presented by Blue Moon Rising, theScribe
We knight those also,
who maintain history sites on
the history of The Dark Ages
and The Medieval Period.
Write well of knighthood,
those whose keep the Records.
Our Order is open to both men and women,
of all countries of the world,
regardless of race, religion, or culture.
We do exclude all hate sites.
And, we are not particularly interested in
Game Sites...though some of them may be fun.
Is this a tall order? We think so.
in no way do we pretend to be an authentic
Order of Knighthood, or... a bogus one.
We are interested primarily in what is on
your page(s). Is your page representive of
online internet Knighthood in Flower.
Please look at our pages at leisure.
You will notice we have a theme that ties us together.
~Our Purpose~
We defend our Right to be forever free on the Internet.
We struggle against the Forces of Evil
wherever we find Wrongdoing and Disrespect.
We honor our Code.
~Our Code~
All knights of the
Knighthood in Flower
pledge to avoid racism and hate,
vulgarity and all that is harmful to
our ourselves, our children and our countries.
We are brave and show courage in the face
of all obstacles and circumstances,
understanding that some must lead the way.
Walking in the Sunlight of the Spirit,
We stand beside and up for
our sisters and brothers.
Shoulder to Shoulder, or Alone,
We fight the Dragons...the real Dragons.
~Our Motto~
Servum Fide
We Serve in Faith
~Our Chosen Weapons~
Words, the pen...
The Keyboard...
~Our Crest~
In process of being designed
~copyright 1999 by TheDarkAges...servum fide~
If you think you deserve to be a
Your pages must reflect that you are
~Join us by becoming Submitting below~
Oops...I don't have to say this I hope,
Our Links page is excellent~Please visit it.
~Directions for Submitting Your Site to this Webring~
Knight in the Order of
The Knighthood in Flower,
complete our submission.
Your site will not be automatically added
and will be looked at.
supportive to ending some world problems,
doing your online share of the work
cut out for us all.
Your pages must show you care about our world.
If you are not at first accepted in
Knighthood In Flower, and wish to
try again, please do so,
and send us an email why you belong
in this order.
Knighthood in Flower
please let us know by email
how you wish to be called
if you are accepted.
Display our logo on your site
And link to our Webring.
but, I will...
NO racism,sexism,ageism,porno.
Go to Yahoo Groups - Write in 'Knighthood in Flower' -
This will take you to join page.
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1. Our Brief History of TheDarkAges
~This is about Knighthood too~
2. The Dark Ages Links Page
We have a Wonderful Page of Related Links
Features "Iron Wolf"
3. Redheaded Womens Alliance Web Ring
4. Free 3-Card Tarot Card Reading
5. Spirit to Spirit Monthly Readers
9. The Monk and Monkey Life
~about Monasteries and Monks~
10. The Ouiji Board
~Brief History of, and Curious Questions~
11. Some Tarot Card History
~about Tarot Cards and Different Decks~
TheDarkAges also has a separate page for all Zodiac signs.
~You may reach these from our Homepage below~
LINKS TO: To The Glory of God
If you have compatible links or pages
View Guestbook..see who's written
email them to me at
back to: The Dark Ages, click here