Hi We're Kathryn and Anita.
The description of our page is:
Our basic goal of this page is to post whatever people want. Don't hesitate to write us with suggestions, opinions, poetry, whatever the hell you want. We will post stuff as fast as we can. Can you guess which song is playing in the background? Download it and many others at Kathryns Poetry Page listed in our links.
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Here is one of our favorite artists, Chantal Kreviazuk. Below are two saples of her singing. The first one "LEAVING ON A JETPLANE" is from the Armaggedon soundtrack being released June 30, buy it! The other song "CO_DEPENDANT" is from her debut CD "UNDER THESE ROCKS AND STONES" buy it!
Leaving On A Jetplane{wav. file}
Co-Dependant{wav. file}
Besides the "Leaving on a Jetplane" clip here are two more from the Armaggedon soundtrack. The first is by Aerosmith who does a lot of the songs and the second composed and preformed by Trevor Rabin
I Don't Want To Miss A Thing
Theme From Armageddon
Not only is it an awesome soundtrack, it looks like it will be an awesome movie. See it! Download the trailer at www.movies.com
Full of Grace{wav. file}
Here is a clip by Smashmouth. It's a good song but it can really get on your nerves.
Walklin on the Sun{wav. file}
Email us at pastperfect42@hotmail.com
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Links to other pages on our site
Radically Canadian
Meet the creators
Some Poetry, Ours, Yours and Famous
Reviews:TV Music Movies
Our Er page{our friend is an obsessive fan}
Kathryns Poetry Page
Kathryns Original Story Page
Please respond with submissions and comments
© 1997 pastperfect42@hotmail.com