"What's in a name? That which we call


by any other name would still make you vomit."

---- with apologies to William Shakespeare (from Scott?)

10/9/2006 Announcement: a miracle has occurred! After a lapse of 8 years, Charlie actually remembered the password needed to add stuff to this site!!! All is revealed below. And welcome to Donn who it doubtlessly the only other person in the world who might actually make any sense out of this drivel...
Please note that this was an attempt at something like what is now known as a "blog" that predated the blogging phenomenon by at least 5 years. Visionary! Broundbreaking! Lame! It's flaw was that it was just a bit tinkery to add to, but not really that bad. See instructions below.
Previous Update: 8/5/98

Please place your inane, useless, and (shudder) even subversive comments here, where we can all ridicule them...
Add new stuff at the top, unless you aim to confuse. Scroll to the bottom of this page for instructions on how to add your comments.

--- The NEW "Minor Rants and Other Miscelleny" section ---

Dan's blurb on the "Citizens with No Abilities Act"

Cursor Maze

Yes, I now have another useless time-wasting program for you to goof around with. This version is pretty simple - it's just a random maze generator, with the twist that once you start, your mouse cursor is stuck in the maze (until you find your way out). And yes, Stu, you can also hit the ESC key to get out. I hope to put some cursor hazards in the maze eventually, and maybe even multiple levels - perhaps a minotaur that chases you around... Please let me know if you find any bugs...

To download file, click here.

"Best web site in the universe!" - Bill Gates

"Incredible!! Terrific!! Way cool!!" - another famous person

"Zany social commentary in a hip, modern cyber-package that is truly the bee's knees!" - Modern Computing magazine, April 1994

"...which, while avoiding the bittersweet yet shallow nostalgia characteristic of such kindred sites as the pioneering, angst-ridden (and, it should be noted, just how nostalgic can a 19-year-old be, anyway?), nevertheless does not shy from addressing life's important issues. Such as, why Purple? And, as we have all realized at some point in our lives, usually while surveying the summer produce section at Ralphs, why Sideways, anyway? In its seminal crystallization of classic themes in terms of a modern post-agronomical society, this site truly leads the way in articulating the issues facing mankind in the coming millennium, though its tomato-parmagiano recipe section is a bit weak." - Prof. Horace MacNoor, Dept. of Philosophy and Tree Fruit Parasites, UC Agricultural Extension Services

"Turn off that thing and go outside and get some exercise." - Mama Forbush

"Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
I wouldn't be writing this,
If I had something better to do."
--- from The Ruminations of a Genius, and other Ruminants by Professor Irving Forbush PhD.

Yes, many people fall for this imitation of brilliance, being tripped by the mental roots that reach out for stumbling figurative feet in the dark literary night. But what tree sends out such sly villainous roots? Why, it is the shadowy spirit that lies beneath the skin of reality, shifting in a direction that cannot be sensed by mere 4-dimensional beings - a direction we're careening along, rushing headlong, all unknowing - up ahead, there's a signpost - a direction called "the purple sideways" -

--- The long-promised "Travels" section ---

Dan's '98 Alaska Trip Opus

--- The "Writings" section ---

"In Scott-ermelon Sugar" Brautigan takeoff

Inside Info on Raphael the Alligator by Dan

--- The "Humor from Web" section ---

Nutty answering machine messages

History according to students

Big list of email taglines

--- The "How To" Section ---

To edit this page, and generally mess it up as much as you like, click HERE, then click the "sign in" link. Enter "purplesideways" as the login and "eggplant" as the password, and click "submit".
In the Geocities Control Panel click "manage" then launch the File Manager. After that, a list of files will appear - to edit this file, click the small box to the left of "index.html" and then click the "edit" button.
Once your changes are complete, don't forget to click the "save" button.
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