Big Dan Tahir's Big Damn Homepage
Jaggy Fun for the Whole Family
Hello, I'm Big Dan Tahir , and this is my Big
Damn Homepage. In reality, I'm only 5'8'', and this site is (as one person has kindly
pointed out) incredibly, pathetically small. I haven't updated it since... June,
I think, when I started it. Well, I'm updating it today, and hopefully more in the
future. I'll probably update whenever I feel guilty for having a computer 3,000 times smarter than
me that I use mainly to play solitaire. This page is intended as a place for me to post
the half-assed songs & poems that are the product of my warped teenage mind. That,
and to provide a space for whatever other disjointed ranting I feel like doing. I also plan
to have some space to pay tribute to those people who I admire and respect (this will
be a small space)
If you have comments, criticisms, or contributions , e-mail me at
oj200@aol.comto tell me what you think.
Bear in mind, however, that by doing so you sign over to me your immortal soul.
Just kidding.
(sarcasm. it's a beautiful thing.)
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