
- This is my kingdom. You can look around, but don't touch anything. I bet you're filthy!

June 5.... 2005

- Ahem... nothing to see here

June 14

- Sephiroth Vs Stiener: battle of the cheap attacks

June 1

- A climactic fight or a picnic lunch? You must decide that for yourself

May 25

- Yuna Vs Celes ... yup

May 22

- I guess this is what happens when there aren't enough updates

May 15

- It's been a while. Here's Locke Vs Rachel... or RachiX

May 9

- And now, a race!

May 8

- This is my story

- Hey, get out of here!

May 6

- Old men with mustaches duking it out. That's what this site is all about

- You're a poet and you don't know it!

May 4

- "Extreme Robot Combat" Or: The most boring fight ever to date

May 2

- Bahamut Vs TG Cid, the fight of the century. Or maybe just the day

May 1

- And now the sequel, Mog against Frog!

April 30

- Imp Against Moogle: Who will survive?

April 29

- A dramatic reinactment, Zeromus Vs Cecil

April 28

- Today: a fatal three-way with moxie

April 27

- The moment you've (probably not) been waiting for: Celes Vs Rachel

April 26

- Here's a battle between two dweebs who would rather talk about their love lives than pummel each other. Sheesh!

April 25

- It's Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! With your two fight special!

April 24

- It's the battle of the mute guys and their girlfriends

April 23

- Here's an "inter-genter" tag team match... almost

April 22

- Today we check out Goug City's Inventors Showcase

April 21

- Get ready kids, it's time for another classic adventure with Bardman and Paintet

April 20

- And two more. First it's battle of the wannabe final bosses, then there's a non-angsty almost-lovers quarrel

April 18

- Two more fights today: Espers against Final Bosses and Espers against each other

April 17

- The battle of useless espers and something to do with a Leprachaun have been judged

April 15

- Old people fighting yetis. Now that's entertainment!

April 14

- Here's Ramza, Mustadio and Agrias fighting Ozzie, Slash and Flea

April 13

- Now that Nimufu's finally done her silly pageant it's time to get back to the fighting

April 10, 2004

- I did it. I really, really did it! The beauty pageant is finished!

April 6, 2004

- Another update by your's truely. And nearly within two weeks of the last one! I'm really great at this!

March 21, 2004

- By the Moon Goddess, an update?!

- Keep it up and you might get the pageant done just before the next one's supposed to start

- Teehee... haha... aw, nuts

November 3

- Just like I promised, it's an update! Hurray!

October 31

- Whee! Happy Halloween everybody! Since I'm a witch, this is a very special time of the year for me. I've been organizing a special get-together with my coven for... uhm, about two months now. It cut into the all important pageant time, but I've got certain priorities as a witch! I'm sure you all understand. After tonight's party at the Wild Cat I swear I'll get back to the pageant. And I'd better not get sick again this year...! *grumble*

August 25 September 8

- Gee... I sure hope everyone was too busy with school and stuff restarting to notice that the next part of the pageant is over two weeks late

August 19

- Drama~!

August 14

- Here is part two of the pageant. Go me!

August 10

- It may not be easy, but the pageant must go on

August 6

- Wow, time sure flies when you're supposed to be running a beauty pageant. But don't worry, it's all smooth sailing from here

July 25

- We wrapped up the last of the auditions today, now I can get this show on the road

July 22

- Hello, Nimufu here again. Today I started auditions for the pageant. What fun!

July 20

- Hi everyone, it's me: Nimufu!
Now watch as we get ready for The Fourth Annual Chrono Trigger/Final Fantasy Beauty Pageant!

July 18

- Here's some 'old school' fun: The Light Warriors from Final Fantasy I fight to the death!

July 14

- Hello general populace. Please enjoy the fight of Cloud Vs Tifa... or it's to the snake pit with you!

July 13

- The Chancellor's feeling lazy, so I'm here to tell you about his latest update... And that's all I have to say about that

July 8

- Another day, another fight

- It's been two days since the last one

- Quiet, you

July 6

- Happy happy fights, no angst here. Move along!

July 2

- Suddenly, from out of no where, with no cause: Angst strikes

July 1

- Come one, come all! It's my Really Quick Fights Extravaganza! ... and there was something about Edgar Vs Shadow too

June 27

- This is the last request from May. I don't know what Ragnarok III was always worrying about, it's easy to stay up to date!

- Uh, what about all the requests from June?

- ... oh yeah

June 24

- Alright already, can't get enough of my brilliant judging? Here's another great job done by me.

June 17

- Hmmph, I thought Frog and Cyan were friends!

June 15

- Ayla Vs Edward, the battle of the losers. Exciting, isn't it?

June 13

- Behold, my statistical analysis!

June 12

- There! I judged an entire fight by myself. Sort of.

June 11

- Oops! Sorta deleted the index page there... But hey, this one's neater

Oh yeah, I made the Battle Arena spiffy too