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Free Form

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What is freeform? Freeform crochet is like painting. The hook is a brush and the yarn a paint. The result can be abstract or realistic. Freeform is original design, not a reproduction of another person's pattern, it goes beyond the realm of patterns and restrictions that usually apply toward our art. Freeform includes 2-D and 3-D art, clothing and useful items. Freeform is the spirit of the 1960s in 1990s yarn! The outcome is a piece of art like no other, not only functional, but beautiful as well. Please come in and get to know us better!

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Free Form Message Board

For more information on Free Form

Free Form Examples!
Designs by our members Round Robin Pieces
Motif Exchange A tribute to Karen

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dsg12bul.jpg - 3.62 KOur Inspirational Corner

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For more information, please contact Susan

This site maintained by Susan
Site last updated November 10, 2001.

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