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[University of Houston Downtown] [Who Am I?] [Favorite Sites] [Resume]

University of Houston Downtown


This is my Alma Mater. The University of Houston Downtown offers a Bachelor of Science in Professional Writing. It is really an excellent program and can be customized to meet the needs of individual students.

Who Am I?

I'm a 1996 graduate of the Professional Writing program at the University of Houston Downtown. I am currently employed as a technical writer in the Marketing Communications department of Fisher HealthCare, a division of Fisher Scientific. My job includes working on our catalog and creating various other marketing materials. When I'm not slaving away at the office, I enjoy movies, reading (science fiction and romance novels) baseball, museums, parks and meeting people from different cultures. To be added to my pen pal list, e-mail me at ThreeB@ix.netcom.com

I hope to enter graduate school for a Masters degree in English, but that is still a long way off.

My taste in books is diverse. My favorites are science fiction and romance. Baen Books has some really good science fiction authors.

I also like really quirky romance novels (paranormal, futuristic, etc.) Love Spell books from Dorchester Publishing has the best selection.

When I'm not working or reading, I enjoy listening to music. My favorite radio station is 104 KRBE.

Web Grrl

I am a member of several organizations, including Web Grrls. Web Grrls is an international organization of women who are interested in new media. Check us out!

I am also a member of Houston Public Television.

Favorite Sites

The following is a list of some of my favorite sites.

P>A good source for up to the minute news can be found at ABC News Online

If you like movies, check out Film.Com

To find out what's happening in your neck of the woods, look up Sidewalk.Com


The Houston Astros are RED HOT! Check out their web site.

If you are a writer, Inkspot is an invaluable resource. Subscribe to their free online newsletter, Inklings.

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Please send e-mail to: ThreeB@ix.netcom.com 

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