Some quotes from my writing as an early home computer owner and also some statements from arguments around the kitchen table with my Art School teacher mom:
Science as art is only a more appealing food for the human curiosity. is too beautiful to explain and is a carrot for the curious and will always be held by the stick.Truth is sold wholesale for black sheep. Truth is science and is sold at random and randomness is now truth.
Science is what the lonley do when they are surrounded by language students, political science students, literature students, painting students and are paying the bills.
Science is a structured art more functional than any fine art.
Art picks up where science leaves off but with more vigor, more energy and more result.
View a picture of the Poet and two of his photos(90K GIF and JPG formats).
After getting on Line with Freenet Peter/Pierre joined the National Capital Freenet Cyber Poets League. The league has since disbanded I think through lack of interest and resources.
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You may notice that this web space is in the Square and in fact the address can be seen to be the squares of two numbers namely five and six. If you aren't interested in Poetry today visit my geomath web space at GeoCities in the Rain Forest neighborhood.
If Science in the raw is not your thing, or you are drawn to fantasy or science fiction, you can visit my Area51 Neighborhood Page. Once there you can read my short stories in the cyberpunk genre.
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reader since June 24th, 2000.
This web space last updated May 12th, 2004.
Warning this site is copyright to Peter Timusk and GeoCities under Canadian and International Law.