True story from Sketches of Life in an Elevator by D. DeWitt Thomas:
When the blind man was asked if he was traumatized by loosing his sight, he answered by saying, "No, I became tired of trying to figure out what it was I was looking at."

In the last half of the 1960's, I was the drummer in a band called the 13th Floor Elevators. We introduced a new concept to the world, a phenomenon known today as psychedelia. The word has become a part of the vocabulary of the literate world and the definition is as follows:
"Of or noting a mental state of intensified sensory perception."~Webster's Dictionary
I am no longer a musician but a writer My nom de plume is D. DeWitt Thomas. My spiritual name is simply Pouadahka.

The links on the bottom of the page are devoted to perpetuation of the philosophy of the
13th Floor Elevators. Please check out Twice Born A Vagabond, a rough draft novel relating my life and events as an Elevator.

Twice Born A Vagabond
To Read the Novel in Progress Click Here

Lama Sivart Doz 13th Floor Elevators Complete Reference File

Eye Mind by Paul Drummond, forward by Julian Cope
424 page 13th Floor Elevators biography w/photos

Click Here To See The 13th Floor Elevators Poster

Comment: The following link is on the Tommy Hall Schedule website and takes about 5 minutes to load using cable modem and begins a minute later after a short pause.

Live Audio MP3...Interview with 13th Floor Elevators Drummer, Danny Thomas


True story from Sketches of Life in an Elevator by D. DeWitt Thomas:
When the blind man was asked if he was traumatized by loosing his sight, he answered by saying, "No, I became tired of trying to figure out what it was I was looking at."

Quote from a lecture given by Englishman scholar and physician, John Mason Goode:
"We may divide and subdivide as we please; but when we have followed it up into its subtlest rudiments, its most retiring principles, by the aid of the best glasses which the best art of man can provide for us, we learn no more of the real nature of its primitive essence than we do from an acorn or a pebble."
John Mason Goode--1837

Quote from the novel Bleak House
"The innocent joys of others can strongly move us. This is the one source of human emotion which must be prized."
Charles Dickens, 1847

It is already too late to save our planet from harm. Too much has happened already: farms have turned into deserts, forests have been clear-cut to wasteland, lakes have been poisoned, the air is filled with harmful gases. It is even too late to save ourselves from the effects of other harmful processes, for they have already been set in motion, and will inevitably take their course. The global temperature will rise. The ozone layer will continue to fray. Pollution will sicken or kill more and more living creatures. All those things have already gone so far that they must now inevitably get worse before they can get better. Help stop the violence.

Wisdom seeks a result that is not based on lies but rather on truth and compassion mutually beneficial to us all. A higher definition of wisdom should be restored. We must trust each other someday, somewhere, sometime during the journey.

Center for Teaching Peace

Links to Living Wisely

D. DeWitt Thomas, Elevator Society Founder

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