Lisa Buck Goldstein - Artist
7958 South Park Place
Orlando, FL 32819
phone: (407) 909-1031
fax: (407) 909-1032
Originally from Massachusetts, Lisa Buck-Goldstein
received her BFA in Graphic Design from the Massachusetts
College of Art.
From the late 1970's to the mid 1980's she lived in New York
City where she worked as an Art Director for Dow Jones, American
Heritage, Danskin, International Playtex and Leavitt Advertising.
During this period she studied watercolor at the Parsons School
of Design and Pratt Institute.
Lisa continued her studies in painting with Don Andrews AWS,
Juddi Betts AWS, Al Brouilett AWS, Marbury Hill Brown AWS, Jacqui
Morgan, Charles Sovek, Howard Watson AWS, and Frank Webb AWS.
Lisa is a signature member of both The Philadelphia Water
Color Club and The Pennsylvania Watercolor Society, has taught
painting with the Pennsylvania Center for The Arts and serves on
The Monroe County Arts Council Board of Directors. She is also
listed in the Who's Who of American Women, 1995.
Galleries and Exhibitions
- Internet Gallery -
Images are taken from
photographs of the original artwork (by the artist
herself) transferred to Kodak Photo CD from AGFA
color slides or negatives. Matting and publishing
Bruce Scherzinger.
Watercolor Collection #1 - All works
published herein are Copyright 1995-1998 Lisa Buck
Goldstein, all rights reserved.
Watercolor Collection #2 - All works
published herein are Copyright 1998 Lisa Buck
Goldstein, all rights reserved.
- East Stroudsburg University - solo; 92, 89
- Sherman Theater Arts Center - group; 92
- Mary Beth Baran Gallery; 90-91
- The Monroe County Arts Council Public Galleries;
- Massachusetts College of Art - solo; 96
- Bixler Gallery; 96
- Art on the Mountain - solo; 97
- Skytop Lodge - solo; 97
Juried Shows/Awards
Awards earned where indicated with an asterisk.
- American Watercolor Society and Traveling Exhibition -
NYC; 93
- Midwest Watercolor Society; 95
- American Artist Professional League - NYC; 94, 92
- Audubon Artists - NYC; 97, 96, 95
- Catherine Lorillard Wolfe Art Club - NYC; 95*, 94
- Knickerbocker Artists - NYC; 90
- The Salmagundi Non-Members - NYC; 93
- Northeast Watercolor Society - Goshen, NY; 95
- The Philadelphia Water Color Club - Phila. PA; 96, 95,
94*, 93, 92*
- The Pennsylvania Watercolor Society - PA; 97*, 96*, 95,
94, 93*
- Woodmere Art Museum - Phila. PA; 94, 93, 91, 90
- Marywood College Regional Art - Scranton PA; 94*
- Mayfair - Allentown, PA; 95
- The Hazleton Art League - Hazelton PA; 94*, 92*, 91
- Lehigh Art Alliznce - Allentown PA; 96*, 95, 94*, 93,
92*, 90
- The Monroe County Arts Council - Stroudsburg PA; 96*,
95, 94*, 93*, 92*, 89
- Pocono Manor Fine Arts Exhibition - Pocono Manor PA;
96*, 95*, 94*, 93, 92*
- The West Virginia Watercolor Society - Parkersburg WV;
- Baum School of Art - Allentown PA; 96
Permanent Collections
- Leigh Valley Hospital - Allentown PA
- Fenner Snyder Robacker Homestead Museum - Sciota PA
- Splash 4 the Splendor of Light;
North Light Books
- Acrylic Painter's Book of Styles and Techniques;
North Light Books
- The Artist's Magazine; March, 97;
F&W Publications
- Who's Who of American Women and
Who's Who Women of the World
- American Artists Professional League
- The Philadelphia Water Color Club; signature
- The Pennsylvania Watercolor Society; signature
- The Monroe County Arts Council - Board 95-90
- New York Artists Equity Association
- National Association of Women
Special Programs
Co-produced, "Where Are We Going, Artistic
Expression Moving Towards the Turn of the Century." A video
documentary about the making of a juried exhibition by the Monroe
County Arts Council. This was sponsored by the Pennsylvania
Council of the Arts and selected by jury for cable network
viewing by the Pennsylvania Cable Arts Network.
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