This is a nudity-free site (of course), but there may be some scantily-clad ladies around here somewhere.Feel free to move around from "room" to "room" in my virtual house. there are some main selections below that will start you in various directions. I'll be adding frames soon so that you can redirect your travels at any time with little hassle.
Choose your poison:
Info on the Oregon Shakespeare Festival, which I'm just plain addicted to. See you there?
My Bocce page, featuring Los Gatos' own Campo di Bocce club and restaurant.
The JPEG page, a collection of JPEG-format pictures from email sources. [COMING SOON]
The GIF page, which is very similar to the JPEG page, but the files are in GIF format. [COMING SOON]
Link to my Tripod Home Page, for some added fun. There's some construction going on there, so please watch your step.
Link to my Angelfire Home Page, which is the youngest of the three.
Entertain me with an animated gif stick-figure show.
Have Stan from South Park deliver an email to me: