Alcoholism; general chart pattern
Aspects, Planets & Chakras 60deg=Jupiter=2nd chakra
Comet Hale-Bopp Its use in Astrology. And Hyakutake too
Moon & potass = nurturance/passive; Mars & sodium = aggressive/active
Natal Planets & Chakras Natal in 2,12,11,9,7,6,4 houses affect chakras
Planets & Signs 7x7 Jup=Pisces
Shuttles Challenger & Columbia
the 5 Elements & Medical Astrology; psycho/physical/emotional connection
MUSICAL ASTROLOGY (or Music of the Spheres): Its history and affect upon human brain waves.
MANUSCRIPTIA is a selected list which I culled from Rare and Out-of-Print Books of the Vatican Library; see how many you can find through the NCSA Library Directory. Good Luck!
Simply put, ASTRO TUNES facilitates the listener's connection to their core essence. ASTRO TUNES brings to the surface, to the conscious awareness our core Self. Within the subconscious the core self is made up archetypes; general personality types expressed at varying degrees. For instance, some people are more aggressive; others are more nurturing. These archetypes are astrologically represented by the planets. Aspects between planets indicate the ease or difficulty through which that facet will manifest in our life.
Each planet epitomizes an archetypal facet of our personality. ASTRO TUNES calls up individual archetypes. It is the tones themselves that stimulate a harmonic response: what that response will be is totally at the discretion of the listener. For example: if someone had issue with joy, faith, anger, or abundance then look to their Jupiter-and the use, the listening of the musical tones of their Jupiter in their natal chart as a therapeutic process.
At present I'm creating 1 hr. personalized cassettes or CDs of natal charts for $90; one planet focus for $40; and generic Sun-signs for $12. Hear a sample.
All info transmitted by cassette tape, CD, e-mail, or post.
No credit cards. Send check or money order (U.S. funds only).
Created: Dec 11, 1995
Updated: Oct 17, 2008