
Only a mediocre writer is always at his best.
--W. Somerset Maugham
I've never claimed to be more than mediocre, that's for sure. But here I have posted some of my writing, so that you might decide for yourself.

This page has links to some editorials I wrote for the school paper, a few pieces of poetry from ancient days, short stories, and even some fanfiction. Enjoy, and let me know what you think.
The College Edition, works from my time at Hollins University.
Fanfiction that I've written in the past few years including Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Gundam Wing, and Weiss Kreuz.
If you are a friend of mine, or perhaps just want to have an archive of work displayed on my page, feel free to mail me and let me know. I'll warn though, I want to thoroughly check out all pages which will be linked from mine, so it will take time.

RADIATE - a review site
Some quotes to leave with:
The place where optimism flourishes most is the lunatic asylum -- Havelock Ellis
An optimist is a guy that's never had much experience. -- Don Marquis

"Images (c) 1999 by Tama-Neko-Chan of Neko.Net".