Francisco Reyes II
Visual Artist
Web Designer

Born and raised in New York City, Francisco Reyes II is the founder of MAMBOSO NUYOTOPIA and developer of the SALSA MEETS JAZZ PROJECT, and the PEARL PRIMUS: TRIBUTE TO DANCE internet modules. For over 20 years he lived in the Greater Binghamton NY area. Currently, he is residing in Corvallis, Oregon.

Recordando A Loiza
I have never traveled to Africa. But, I have been to Loiza Aldea. A degree of sadness was removed from my heart, as I stood along its coastline. I had buried my father the day before and for a time I found solace with the souls waiting at the mouth of El Rio Grande.

I took this photo while driving along Harry L Drive in Johnson City. Memories have a way of manifesting themselves. Relunctantly, I was there far away.

My Brother Speaks
Drummer Nate Brown offers us some inspiration with a djembe drum. We all got together to see Bonnie Winfield off on her new journey.
The original photo was accidental. It inspired this expression of strangulation. It be that way some times.

Angelito Negro
I found this plate in a JC shop, one week after seeing my grandson for the first time. I envisioned his face and how my heart felt that blessed day.

Aqua Del Raiz
"Something awoke inside of me as I gazed upon La Coca Falls in El Yunque and saw the young boy sitting silently on the rocks. As I stood enraptured by the magical scene, a window into my soul opened and a cleansing mist of pure sweet water made fresh an innocence forgotten. Both were, in my heart, identical to whom I was before my name was stolen."

Just Outside My Door (Fall 2002)
Sunlight lit up my room, and I was convinced to rise earlier than usual. Spent most of those extra hours working on my computer -- there is ALWAYS another task to complete. When it came around time for the transport to my real job to show up, I was peering out the window feeling like I had missed out on something.

The horn blew and I rushed down the steps and out the door. I glanced to my left and saw something that caused me to stop. I savored the scene as long as I could without traumatizing the Checker cab driver. So I captured the sight with a digital camera and took it with me.

The following morning, the colors were gone. Autumn had peaked, and I had a few more grey hairs in my beard.

Just Outside My Door (Winter 2002)
Winter woke from a four year sleep, at a time when madness seems to have found new life in the world. 2002 would not leave quietly. Just outside my door, fresh snow weighs a city down. The brief peace brings clarity followed by a beautiful blinding light. The events born with 2003 -- the Age of Bush -- turn truth into a victim of violent silence. And I am still amazed by nature, by its purity and simplicity. As for the rest, there's the wooden picket fence.

The Back of a Woman
I took this picture during Binghamton's first Puerto Rican Festival Day. She wore a black open back party dress and heels. On her back was this tatoo.
The Buds of Spring
I am always perplexed by flora that reveals such colorful flowers from the ends of barbed branches.
Woman Waiting
I took this picture of a woman waiting at the Village Gate ticket booth for someone. There was something almost surrealistic about what she was wearing and where she was standing in relation to the different sources of light. From her expression, I could extrapolate that she was pissed off. But she did not mind me taking this picture.
The Manguals
I took this picture of Jose Mangual Jr. & Sr. backstage at the Village Gate in 1980. Father and son: two generations representing the finest in Latin Music percussions.
Old Woman in the Tree
There is an old woman in this tree. You can see her when the harsh elements have stripped away the layers. But when the seasons favor her, the buds and leaves that celebrate her life do so with a familiar wisdom. And then she disappears for a time, her joyous laughter heard only during the hottest nights.

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