Welcome to my new home! ^_~
I've created this page to my favorite songs. They are getting bigger and bigger till
I have no space left on my homepage on geocities. And I found this new home for them.
Thanks to Yahoo! GeoCities
that gave me space to share them with you.
I think everyone loves listening to music but we just love different kind.
I love music too and I have my own kind of music that I love.
I love every kind of music but rap and jazz. Sorry for rap and jazz fan.
Don't take it personal ok? I did try to listen to them but they made me dizzy.
So I gave up. :o(
Here some of them. Hope you will enjoy as I do!
You can also visit my main homepage on geocities.
And thanks peelee for these wonderful graphics.
And one more thing. Please sign my guestbook. Thank you.
Or you can contact me via email. Here's my email address.
I will try to update monthly.
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since on the 16th August, 1999
Last updated on the 5th May, 2000
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