Hello people! Again I want to apologize for being late to update. And I want to thank you all for visiting - you've all put my counter wayyyyy over 1000 visits. Thanks, you rock, - and don't forget to keep checking back since I do still get in here every now and then to update.
When you load the page - if you don't have a comet cursor plug in you'll be promted to download one ..... please do - it's very much so quite cool. It's a very small download and hardly takes any space or time. (if you don't have it/ don't get it - you'll be promted to at about every page.....)
Please click HERE to find out why I chose Mis_Stress_Guitar_Girl as my on line name. :-)
It's My Life....
IMPORTANT : TO Return to my site after you're done playing - Click the "Back" Button on your browser.
Note : Please Vote @ least 1ce per visit ! Polls are difficult to update - but please don't stop coming by - be sure & bet for your choice each time! :-) (Also see polls on almost all of the other pages too!) :-)
Please send a post card to a friend from my site! CLICK HERE
Please Click Here to see all my pretty ribbons!
Look at my pretty banner! Please sign my Something I can do better on my site? Let me know! Mail me! :-) E-mail Me!
My very own web page!
Hello everyone!
Hey guys ! Something exciting in my life! I Just took pictures for a band *Does Happy Dance* And the results were amazing. (I have to admit beforehand I was a basket case, but once you get a camera in my hands I can settle right down and work.) So I'm extremely excited! WOOOOO! YEAHHHHH! But the signs of summer up here in the Frozen North (read:Minnesota.) are coming to a close. *Cries*. I was just starting to enjoy summer. Isn't it Ironic? Have a Great time and enjoy the updates on the other pages! :-) So far in Sept. Things are great! I had a friend of mine from Alaska stay with me , it could've gone, well better I suppose. I hate to make a big deal out of it or say anymore out of respect for the person who was here with me, but let me just say I don't appriciate rudeness. Anyhow. Everything else is going great! I'mupdating most of the pages so please take a look around! :-) Well Well This month has been interesting so far. Let's just say I've been under alot of stress. And alot of depression. (See OCD page.) *Sighs* But things are looking up and for that I'm happy! :-) I added some very awesome games - no download needed! See Drop down box. :-) You all have fun! :-) Dewcember already. Surprising how fast time flies eh. So everyone know what they want this year? Everyone have their gifts boughten? :-) I do ! :-) I see lots of boxes for me. And have no clue what's in 'em. *LOL* Anyway! :-)
Ccool. I've been happy and hopefully everyone visiting here is too! :-)
My Page about Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.
If you really like my site and want to take a banner to put up on your page, please go ahead,... I'd be very happy if you did! :-)
(If you do, please link the banner back here, thanks!) Many thanks to Spacey for making this cool banner for me! :-)
while you're here! Stop again soon!
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