Welcome to my lil art corner on the net!

You are more than welcome to my humble art place on the web.
Take a look at my work if you so desire, if you like it then give me a mail! Feedback is always appreciated. :)
It's nothing fancy, just a busy artist wanting to share her work with others! Enjoy!
Last updated 6/7/04
PaWz Studios
What's new
-I have a new website! I'm getting set up at www.arbital.com (under construction)
-Besides that site, my more recent stuff is on Yerf

The Gallery
Realistic /
Cartoons /
Anthropomorphic (furry art) / Characters /
About me

E-mail me!
Blind Turtle Productions- T-shirts, mugs and products with a sense of humor!
Want to Commission my art?
Current Auctions
My archive at Yerf
My page at Elfwood
My page at the LK Archive:
Low Res High Res
Awards this site has won
Cute Page for Friends!
Webrings this page is part of

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since September 6, 1999

Here's my cute lil adopted Dragon, Skyler! ----->