
Hiya guys! Andie's back here with tons of new updates!
Firstly, the new and updated version of 'Londie' has now become available online, complete with its own image gallery. I have also engineered an official Londie site at Nothing much there for the apparent moment, but there sure are loadsa work to be done.

Feel free to take a quickie brief on 'Science Fiction'. A love affair between a Science teacher and an Art student? Well enough to get those imaginations going! :) Don't forget to read the recently updated short stories 'Mei Yung' and 'Ti Amo'. Oh, and just in case you missed the old bits, 'Afterlife' is always there for you.

My biggest apology for not being able to work on the English translations of all the works mentioned above, but I reckon they should be out soon, very soon I hope! Loads of funkee stuffs are coming at'cha, so stick around to this page. See ya!

:: Andie ::

Londie Image Gallery

Living Mannequins
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