Every few years, there comes along in the roleplaying genre an RPG which is so much more than just a game; it is a fully immersive multimedia experience that delights the senses and engages the mind. These games are few and far between, but millions of people across the world agree: Final Fantasy VII is one of them.
Ever since its release, this game has touched the hearts of innumerable gamers across the globe. Thousands of people have been so deeply affected by the game's incredible storyline that they have felt compelled to create tributes to Final Fantasy VII. These tributes have taken the forms of fan fiction, fan art, collecting, web shrines, cosplayer conventions, and so on. In recent months, Square Enix recognized the lasting impact that their creation has made on so many people, and resolved to pay their own tribute: as of this writing, the feature-length film Advent Childen is only ten weeks away from release.
Inspired by the recent resurgence of Final Fantasy VII in the hearts and minds of both its creaters and devoted fans, we two webmasters of this site have decided to publicize our own tribute. Our method of paying homage to this great game may differ slightly from the norm, and our unorthodox sense of humour may alienate others in the FFVII community; nevertheless, without furhter ado:
FINAL FANTASY PUN-ISHMENT: A Comprehensive Collection of FFVII-Themed Wordplay
This site contains a list (informal for now; soon to be categorized and alphabetized) of puns and plays-on-words featuring references to Final Fantasy VII. Herein you will find puns relating to anything in the game, from obvious to the most obscure: the subjects range from the names of the main characters to locations, enemies, Materia, abilities - there are no rules. Various pop-culture references abound, and the quality of the humour has been known to fluctuate, so the reader should consider themselves forewarned. However, if their will is strong and their love for FFVII all-encompassing, we the webmasters urge them to read on, and if they feel so inclined, to send us their own puns care of the.bottomline@gmail.com.