COMRADES! Go HERE for details of FAST EDITING's MAYDAY spectacular! (due to take place in October 2001) WELCOME... Have a drink on us Comrades
This cyber outpost of REVOLUTIONARY thought and zeal should be BOOKMARXED NOW!
Written in an informative n chatty style to keep the international brothers in touch with ALL things of REVOLUTIONARY import, FE is set to goosestep towards a brilliant future. And Coms... Don't forget that the incisive treatise FAST EDITING the magazine is still available by placing an order with Mein Webhost below. The cost??? 5 kopeks comrades, or 50p in old money... READ ON WITH ONE FIST ALOFT...
!!!NEW FEATURES ADDED DAILY!!! The virtual barricades that ARE the FAST EDITING on-line massif are CONSTANTLY UPDATED. Komrades return regularly for ALARMING features that are sure to have the paymasters quaking in their dinner jackets... BUT REMEMBER, Novosibirsk wasn't built in a day...
See the TASTY directories below...
Essays n musings on maps, art history n all things kutting n REVOLUTIONARY
See what's HOT with the FAST EDITING Editors as FE Recommends
A Komradely Kraftwerk Kall 4 Papers
Red-Hot Revolutionary links that are set to sizzle
See What Comrades are saying about Fast Editing...
© 1917. Feel free to copy all & distribute in roughly printed pamphlet form.