"Whimsy" is a 1958 Citroen 2CV art car created by owner Bill Stevenson (the man in the funny hat) and artists David Cedrone, Dan Britton, Jo Martyn-Fisher and Edith Tucker. "Whimsy" is a visual smorgasbord of artistry from every angle. Nooks and crannies on both the exterior and interior offer up surprises and plenty of smiles.
Whimsy and Topcat have appeared in exhibitions and/or parades in the following places or events to name a few.
Baltimore Artscape, Taste of St. Louis, Montpellier Arts Festival, Artscape Atlanta, The Orange Show Artcar Weekend of Houston TX, Bath Maine 4th Celebration, Maine Arts Festival, Lars Andersen Automotive Museum of Newton MA, Montclair NJ Artcar Parade, North Carolina Museum of Art, Omaha Artcar Celebration, Citroen Rendezvous, Convergence 2000 Providence RI, Lead East - World's Largest 50s Party, North American Micro and Mini Car Show - Ontario Canada, International Cat Show - Boston, Moxie Parade - Lisbon Maine, Lobster Festival - Rockland Maine, DooDah Parade - Lewes DE, Summerfest - Denton MD, Greensboro Founders Day - Greensboro MD, Maryland Convention of Counties - Ocean City MD, Newark Arts Alliance Festival- Delaware, Old Port Festival - Portland Maine, Maine State Parade, Yarmouth Clam Festival - Maine, Autoweek magazine, Redline Magazine - UK, Planet 2CV magazine - Paris France, Citropolis magazine - Paris France, Television and magazine ad campaign for Weiner Stadtische auto insurance in Austria, 2 year magazine ad campaign with the lender Freddie Mac, and numerous others.
I, Bill Stevenson, have been involved with art cars since 1993 when I began to create "Whimsy", which I drove only for events and on nice summer days. It is very intricate and could be damaged by bad road conditions. There were 600 hours by 4 artists and myself on that car.
I so missed the smiles and joy with other motorists and pedestrians when I wasn't in "Whimsy" that the thought of an every day art car seemed necessary. There came the inspiration for "Topcat".
Topcat (click for more photos) is a 1982 VW Vanagon that is overcome by cats and other whimsical images. It was created by owner Bill Stevenson and artists Mary Blackfeather and "Inflatelist" George York.
"Topcat" is my primary daily use vehicle at about 20,000 miles per year. The predominate theme is cats and how they are everywhere in our lives. Especially the joy shared between cats and people. "Topcat" is also the tow vehicle for trailering "Whimsy" to events.
For information about "Whimsy", "Topcat", or other art cars and events, or to book appearances, contact Bill Stevenson by clicking on my cat, Malcom, below.

For more resources and information contact, film maker, book editor, and artcar agent, contact Harrod Blank.
His Artcar Agency can be reached at www.artcararagency.com
Harrod's films and books are sensational
Harrod Blank Films and Books
Harrod is releasing a brand new artcar movie, learn more about it and to obtain a copy
Wild Wheels 2 Automorphosis
There are two artcar web based discussion groups I can suggest. They are new and growing so if you have an interest in being involved or just tuning in I strongly suggest you go investigate them both. ARTCARZ and ARTCARZFRIENDS. The first is an "on topic" group, the second is a "all topics" group.
I own 9 Citroens, including "Whimsy".
I have three or four "project cars" (2CV, Truckettes, and a custom Woody) that I will sell to someone that convinces me that they will truly improve or restore them and has the skills to do this. They are major projects so don't expect an easy endeavor. I just want to focus on fewer Citroens these days. Email me by the link above (Malcom the Cat) or phone at (302) 238-7809. My address: 22240 Good Flocking Way, Frankford, DE. 19945.
I absolutely insist that you join and support this excellent Citroen network of devoted people if you are in North America, I encourage others but I'm less insistent. The Citroenthusiast magazine/newsletter is a precious resource alone. Whether you own, want to own, or just love Citroens don't delay, Citroen Club of North America . I thank you and you will thank yourself. There are numerous citroen gatherings and other events around the US and the world each year, the club is the best way to learn of them.
Fluid Film is an outstanding rust prevention and general purpose lubricant. I have been selling it for about seven years, I used it myself for nearly a year before deciding to sell it. Numerous well respected Citroen restorers and mechanics have come to swear by it. I've seen nothing to compare with it, it contains wool wax. NOTE: I no longer sell Fluid Film however I do continue to use it, to find a source contact the factory or the source list on their website linked above. Thanks to all that were loyal customers in the past.
I've become quite interested in poultry, guinea fowl, chickens, ducks, and geese. I had a pet guinea named Jesse which was a pied lavender marked male. He followed me wherever I walk in the day and spent his nights following me in the shop until 11 PM then gets onto his perch for the night. He was but one of my 75 +/- guineas I had then, now about 45 that control the Lyme tick population on my 40 acres of woods. I've come to be known as Guineaherder and sometimes a modification of Bill to Bee-yole in case you see me referred to by those names sometimes. My chickens are a diverse lot of heritage breeds of bantams and full size including colored egg layers (Ameraucanas). Drop me an email if you want more info about poultry by clicking on Malcom the cat. I also sell new hatch guinea keets.
The Guineas Message Board, a good resource
Guinea Fowl International Association, another great guinea info source

Miss Liberty's Artcar and related goodies
Art Cars in Cyberspace
ArtCar Fest
Tim Klein's Outstanding Yarn Car "The Elements"
The Cosmic Ray Deflection Society of North America
Art Cars Webring
Citroen Club of North America blog
Citroen Auto Club of Canada
Converted Citroen 2CV Cars
Poultry LINKS
My Favorite Guineafowl Message Board, loaded with useful info and good humor. If you want to know more about guinea fowl and their ability to rid your property of ticks or just entertain you, this is the one best location.
The Chicken Box, LOTS of photos here too
She's Trained Chickens, be sure to watch the video there
The Cozy Nest, a gateway to wonderful and informative pages mostly about poultry.

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owned by Contact TopcatWhimsy.