The sound of her modem connecting to the Internet sent shivers down her spine. Her dark gaze watched with some impatience for the connection to speed up. She just had to talk to someone and this was as good a place as any. Normally she would confide in Maria, but she couldn’t burden her best friend anymore than she was. She was having relationship problems of her own. Probably not as major as Liz’s problems but bad enough.

As soon as the browser screen popped on, Liz typed in the URL she knew by heart. She drummed her fingers on the keypad blowing out an exasperated breath. Normally she was cool and analytical, but her emotions were going into overdrive. The chatroom finally loaded. Chatmosphere, which was centered on outerspace, was kind of bizarre to most, but Liz felt right at home. This was her element, although she would never tell anyone that she knew live Aliens.

She typed in her screenname and password and prayed that ‘He’ would be there. They had been chatting for a few weeks forging a strong bond. It didn’t matter that they didn’t know each other’s names or what they looked like. Anonymity made the link more special and personal. She told him about her problems with her overprotective parents, her lovable but demanding friends and the everyday hassles of life. He listened to her and gave her advice. She didn’t find it odd that he rarely talked about himself. She was just thankful that he made her feel better. No one else could make her feel that way… She refused to acknowledge the one person who could make a lie of that statement. He was part of her problem.

She scrolled the names of the people in the room, disappointment filling her when she didn’t spot his name. Where could he be? They always met at this time… Could something have happened? She felt a moment’s despair before blowing out a breath of relief when his name popped on the screen. She gave a faint smile as her cursor double clicked on his name, which brought up a chatbox.

AlienLuvR: Hey! I’m glad you made it.

E.T.: Sorry I was a bit late. I had to pick up some things for my mom.

AlienLuvR: That’s all right. I just got on myself.

E.T.: How’re things going with you and your ex?

AlienLuvR: Not that good, actually. We had a big fight this morning, and I’m not feeling too good about it.

E.T.: Do you want to talk about it? What was the fight over?

AlienLuvR: The same thing… He wants me back, but I can’t. I have to remain strong, because it is better this way. But it is so hard, because I love him so much. I can’t stand to hurt him.

E.T.: Why not tell him this? What is keeping you away from him?

AlienLuvR: It’s this whole mess… It’s hard to explain, but things could go wrong if we were to go out with each other. I can’t tell him this because it’ll give him false hope. I have to break things off, but he won’t accept it. I’m afraid I’ll have to really hurt him to get my point across.

E.T.: I wish I could help you out, but I’m not doing too well in that part of my life.

AlienLuvR: Girl troubles?

E.T.: You could say that. My girlfriend dumped me for another guy.

AlienLuvR: That’s horrible! Why’d she do this?

E.T.: Why? I’m not sure. She claims she doesn’t love me anymore and that we should see other people.

AlienLuvR: I’m sorry to hear that… Guess we’re both in the same boat.

E.T.: I wonder why love is so hard.

AlienLuvR: I guess because if it were easy, people wouldn’t appreciate it. They’d take it for granted and not realize what they’ve really got.

E.T.: If that is the case, why are you keeping yourself away from the guy who you love and obviously loves you back?

Liz blinked at that question, unable to form an answer. It would seem all so easy to say that he was right and that she should get back together with Max. But it wasn’t that easy. They had to stay apart for the fate of the world. Her friends and family were important to her and she couldn’t turn her back on them if there was a chance to stop the destruction from happening.

E.T.: Still there?

AlienLuvR: Sorry… I was trying to figure out how to answer that. It just isn’t that easy… At least not for my ex and I…

E.T.: It usually never is. Listen, I have to go do a few chores for my mom. I’ll see you tomorrow?

AlienLuvR: I’ll be here and thanks.

E.T.: Good luck with your guy. See you later.

E.T. has logged off

Liz gave a small sigh as she logged off. That whole chat did nothing to relieve her fears or her problems. She was still where she was in the beginning. She couldn’t tell Max that she had never slept with Kyle or about the whole future thing. He might not believe her and if he did, it wouldn’t change a thing. She must be strong in this whole situation.

She pushed from her computer, going towards her closet to pull out her Crashdown outfit. Time for work…

Max Evans stared at the blank screen of his computer, shaken from the conversation he just had with his mysterious friend. He didn’t know where that last statement came from. It just seemed to jump from his head right down to his fingers. Why are you keeping yourself away from the guy who you love and obviously loves you back?

Could it be that easy and that obvious? What if Liz really didn’t love him? Was that why she was avoiding him at all costs? He wanted to curl up in a tight ball to push away the pain that hit him full force. He didn’t know how he could cope if she really didn’t love him as she claimed. She meant everything to him, and he couldn’t function properly without her in his life. He almost didn’t hear his mother calling him for he was absorbed in his torment. He pushed away from his desk and walked out of his room a bit stiffly, trying to appear as normal as he could. He didn’t want to deal with his mother’s questions or her pampering. If she knew what was really going on, she’d be cuckolding him, which he didn’t need right now. What he needed was to get out and take a walk or a drive. He just needed to get away.

He went into the kitchen where his mom was standing over the stove preparing their dinner. She turned her head to smile at her handsome son and faltered at the pale expression on his face. She frowned at him, looking him up and down. He seemed a bit thinner and unkempt. His hair looked as if hadn’t seen a brush in a few days and he was scruffy looking. Obviously he hadn’t shaved either.

“Max, honey. Are you all right?”

“Yeah, Mom. Just a little tired from work and school.” He mumbled not meeting her eyes. He hoped she’d believe that lame story and let him go. He was feeling a bit claustrophobic in the house as he shifted from foot to foot.

“You are pushing yourself too hard. You should get some rest… And eat something. You are too skinny.”

“I will, Mom… What’d you need?”

“I forgot to get a carton of eggs and some butter. Could you run to the store and pick me up some? Oh and I have an order placed at the Café. It’s for your father’s party tonight. I just have too much to do right now to pick them up.”

“Yeah, I’ll pick it up.”

Before she could say another word, he grabbed the keys to the jeep and almost ran out of the house. He got into his vehicle and sped out of the driveway, heading in the direction of town. He decided to pick up the butter and eggs first. That would give him an excuse to go into the Café, pick up the order and get out as fast as he could. He didn’t want them to spoil… What a stupid lie, but it was better than the truth. He didn’t want to see Liz right now… or ever.

“Listen, girl… There’s something going on that you aren’t telling me. Now spill.” Maria leaned against her locker in the back room of the Crashdown. Her beautiful blue gaze was trained on Liz, who was pulling out her apron and antennae headband.

“Maria, there’s nothing going on. Just the same things that always go on.”

Maria rolled her eyes and crossed her arms across her chest giving Liz her no-nonsense look. “Oh right… I thought the on-off relationship was reserved for Michael and I. You look like Hell, and Max looks like someone killed his best friend. You are so not going out there until you tell me everything… and I mean everything.”

Liz sighed finally meeting Maria’s gaze, “I just think we should cool things off. I’m only seventeen, and I don’t want to be tied down to one guy for the rest of my life.”

“You know you are a horrible liar…”

“I know… Please, don’t ask me anymore questions.”

“Fine. I’ll lay off for now, but that doesn’t let you off the hook.” Maria gave her a warning look before spinning on her heels. She headed out into the outer room, seeing a few customers walk into the café and take a booth.

“It’s about time. I thought I was the only one working this joint.” Michael grumbled, glaring at Maria and Liz from the back kitchen.

“If you call what you’re doing work, Spaceboy.” Maria arched her brow as she grabbed a few menus from the rack by the register.

“I work harder than you, DeLuca. It must be tough to walk around and flirt with the customers.”

“What would you know about flirting? All you can do is sit and brood and make decisions without asking anyone else’s opinions.”

“Excuse me… We are in a place of business.” Liz injected in her friends’ heated argument. She had to stop it now before they were at each other’s throats. They were definitely in an off period.

“Thank you for the news flash, Parker.” Michael gave her a frosted look before disappearing from the window that connected the main room with the kitchen area. Maria rolled her eyes then walked over to the customers.

“Welcome to the Crashdown Café. Can I get you a drink while you decide on your order?”

“Uh… I’ll have a large PlasmaBlast.” The woman scanned the drink list, nodding as if satisfied with her order.

“One large PlasmaBlast coming up. And for you, sir?”

“Yeah, I’ll take a ProtoBlast.”

“Gotcha.” She handed them each a menu then walked over to get their drinks. She poured the strawberry milkshake for the woman and a rootbeer float for her man, and then she brought them over to the couple. After they had received their order, Maria went over to the counter and flopped onto one of the stools.

She turned her head as someone entered into the café then gasped. Could that be Max? She couldn’t believe it. He looked like a zombie out of a B movie. She slid off the stool and met him halfway, absently noting that Liz was nowhere in the vicinity. She was probably out back taking stock of the supplies.

“Goodness, Max. What the hell happened to you?”

“Good to see you too, Maria.”

“Yeah, yeah… Now spill.”

“Nothing… Just haven’t had time to get fixed up.”

“And I’m the Queen of England. What is going on between you and Liz?”

Maria looked up at him in concern, hating to see her friends in trouble. He was like a brother to her, and she was very protective of those she cared about. Max stared back at her and tried to fight the pull to unburden himself. It would be so easy, but he had to be strong. He was a leader and he had to act like one.

Maria watched the indecision on his face before it became guarded once more. Was this some kind of guy trait? Either that or he was learning from Michael… Men!

“Nothing… We’re just friends. We’re taking a break.”

Maria snorted before throwing her hands up in the air. “What is wrong with everyone?! We’re supposed to be a team, but I haven’t seen us all acting like one. You and Liz are at odds with each other, although you won’t admit it to anybody. Everyone else finds excuses to be away from each other… Are we just not friends anymore?”

Max was taken back by her vehemence. He hadn’t even noticed that he rarely saw any of his other friends. He had been so self-involved, that he didn’t pay attention to things around him.

“I don’t know, Maria…”

“Well, I do. No one cares anymore. Let’s just all forget about each other and pretend we never seen each other. Forget all the things we’ve done for each other and what we meant to each other…” Her eyes filled with tears, getting tired of trying to hold things together. She was tired of dealing with Michael’s indifference and trying to remain cheerful. She gave a small sob and ran to the back room. What was to become of the team?

Max watched Maria rush away from him and felt like a jerk. He hadn’t helped matters with his withdrawal and moping. He should be keeping everyone together. He had a sudden urge to talk with his online friend. Maybe she could help him out with everything. She could give him some kind of direction to go… He hoped so, because he was so lost.

He walked up to the counter wondering how he was going to get his order if no one was out front. He was about to ring the bell for service when Liz came through the doorway a big package of napkins in her hand. She stopped dead in her tracks when she got a good look at Max. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Was she the cause of this? She knew he was having other problems, but she wasn’t helping matters by hurting him whenever they were together.

“Hey, Max…” She looked hesitant, as if she didn’t want to be there with him. It hurt him just the thought of her detesting his very presence.

“Hey, Liz. I’m here to pick up my mom’s order… Is Maria okay?”

“I’m not sure… She’s hiding in the bathroom and won’t come out. She’s just under a lot of stress right now.”

Yeah… Tell her I’m sorry. And I’ll try to fix it for her.” He replied in a quiet voice not meeting her gaze. He watched the two lovebirds in the corner holding hands as they ate their burgers and fries, and he felt a pang of envy. At one time he and Liz had been doing the very thing that they were doing. But now it was all changed.

“I will.” She moistened her lips in a nervous gesture as she went behind the counter to grab his order. She watched him as he gazed at the couple, her eyes feasting on his every feature. It didn’t matter that he looked like he had been run over by a bulldozer. He was still gorgeous to her. She longed to wrap her arms around him and soothe all his hurt away. She clenched her hands to stop from reaching out to him.

He turned back to her, the pain and despair almost making her gasp. He quickly masked his expression, but that brief moment was locked in her mind. He gave her the money for the food and quietly thanked her. He gave her one last look before leaving, missing the look of guilt on her face. It was all her fault…

Liz sat down at her computer later on that night. It had been an exhausting eight hours at the café. She managed to calm Maria down and assure her that everything will turn out all right, but she felt unsure. How would things turn out? Isabel had made some new friends and was spending her time with them. Seeing Alex and having her old feelings resurface had left her confused and unsettled. She needed a rest from everything that was going on around her. Alex was off enjoying his newfound popularity with the girls. Ever since he returned, he had been drifting from the group.

Kyle and Tess were in the own little world, exploring their budding relationship. Who would have thought that they would make a good couple? A bomb could go off next to them and they wouldn’t even notice. And to those that were having love problems, it was nauseating seeing those two together.

Maybe the group was falling apart. How could they get back together? There was always some crisis or another keeping them as a team, but now that they were at a peaceful moment everyone was going their separate ways. She needed to talk to E.T.. She logged into Chatmosphere and scanned the room once more. Normally she never met him at this time, but she was possessed. She couldn’t go to bed without getting this off her chest. He was her voice of reason.

She almost laughed out loud as she saw his name in the list. She quickly brought up the chatbox wondering what he would say to her news.

AlienLuvR: I didn’t know you came on at this time…

E.T.: I usually don’t, but I had a lot on my mind.

AlienLuvR: I can’t believe it is eleven already. With a day I’ve had, I thought it was later.

E.T.: Bad day?

AlienLuvR: You could say that… My friends are fighting, and my ex isn’t dealing with it all too well.

E.T.: Why must it always be him to take care of all the problems that spring up?

AlienLuvR: …What do you mean?

E.T.: Sorry… Forget I said that. I’ve just had a bad day.

AlienLuvR: What happened?

E.T.: I… I’m just stuck trying to piece everything together. I have my family and friends at me for everything. I’m tired of it all. I want to let someone else take over.

AlienLuvR: You’re stuck being the responsible one? That must be tough… I feel ashamed to say I have done the same thing to my ex…

E.T.: As long as you recognize it and try to help him out… It isn’t easy to be a leader.

AlienLuvR: That’s an odd way of putting it…

E.T.: Sorry… I can’t really think straight.

AlienLuvR: Do you think… One of these days we could meet?

E.T.: Meet? Face to face?

AlienLuvR: Forget it. It is a stupid idea.

E.T.: It isn’t, but I’m not sure if it is wise… You’re the only friend I have that I can really talk to. I’m not sure if I want to jeopardize that.

AlienLuvR: I understand… I just need someone here. Nevermind…

E.T.: Nevermind? Hardly. I would love to be there for you, but it might complicate things.

AlienLuvR: Complicate things? In what way?

E.T.: It might make me want what I can’t have.

AlienLuvR: Are you… saying you want me?

E.T.: The possibility is there. I don't want to go down that road, if that should happen. This past relationship is killing me.

AlienLuvR: Whoever left you for someone else was a fool… Just as I’m a fool for hurting the one person I love. I don’t know how much longer I can hold out.

E.T.: Life and love is too precious to waste… No one has forever, so why not enjoy what you have for the moment..? Why worry about what the future might bring?

Max waited for her to respond wondering what was going through her mind. He was still feeling the tingle of excitement at her suggestion of meeting. What would she be like in person? Would she make him forget about his problems and help him start over again? Could she accept the real truth about what he was?

He was tired of always dishing out advice and being the leader. It was too much of a responsibility having everyone count on him for everything. He wanted just to walk away for awhile and be a normal teenager. He didn’t want to be Max Evans the Alien. Max Evans the King of some planet. Max Evans the leader… He just wanted to be Max Evans the teenager and highschool student. AlienLuvR: What if by being with him, I hurt my friends and family?

E.T.: From the way you are talking, they are already hurting… Shouldn’t you worry about your own happiness, and let them worry about their own?

Liz frowned wondering how to respond without revealing everything. She couldn’t come out and say she was in love with an alien and by being with him, it would bring about the destruction of the Earth. For one thing, he’d think she was trying to avoid his question. He certainly wouldn’t believe her. He might not want to remain friends with her, thinking she has a few screws loose. She wished there were someone she could talk to without having to lie….

AlienLuvR: I’m not sure if I can sacrifice everyone just for one guy… It would be too selfish of me to put my needs in front of everyone that is counting on me.

E.T.: Perhaps you should move on then… Obviously this guy isn’t worth it if it would hurt the people around you…

Max wondered what kind of creep could have this affect on her. How could he make her choose between her friends and family and him? Why was she still in love with him? Maybe she needed to meet a real guy who could make her happy and let her be with the ones she cares about… He smiled wryly as he pictured himself being that guy. He was the farthest thing from what she needed. She needed a human person, not an alien. Just because she called herself an alien lover doesn’t mean she loved a real alien.

He had to get the thought out of his head. There was no one for him. He realized this finally after looking at the situation he was in. Anyone that should get close to him would be in danger. They could never reveal the truth about what he was and that would put a strain on any relationship. Michael was right… Aliens and humans couldn’t mix. They had to remain focused on the mission of getting home not getting involved with humans.

AlienLuvR: You make him sound like a bad person. He isn’t, really. He’s a great guy… There are other things involved.

E.T.: I didn’t mean to imply that he was horrible… If he’s a great guy, why would you hurt your loved ones by being with him?

AlienLuvR: It’s hard to explain… And it’s getting late. I have school tomorrow and work.

E.T.: Fine… I’ll talk to you later.

E.T. logged off.

Liz felt bad that she had to be so abrupt, but he would never understand what she had to deal with. He couldn’t possibly know what it was like to have contact with an extraterrestrial… So what if he used that as a handle. She sighed as she turned off her computer and got ready for bed. She dreaded tomorrow and what it would bring. Nothing but more stress and problems to deal with. She lay in bed to stare up at her ceiling. She wished she had never met any of the aliens and immediately regretted the thought.

How could she not want to know Max, Michael, Isabel and even Tess? She couldn’t ask for better friends, although at times they could be annoying. She knew she could count on them to be there for her if she was ever in trouble and vice versa. They were a family… them against the world and those who want to tear them apart.

She was drifting asleep when a thought caused her to bolt into a sitting position. Here she was dealing with the problem all by herself… Why not just get the group together and reveal everything? That way they could all deal with it as a group. And then Max could realize how big and important the decision she had to make was.

She couldn’t wait to talk to E.T. tomorrow to tell him her plans. She knew he would agree with her. This was the best way to approach the whole circumstance. She laid back down with a small smile on her face. Things were finally looking up.

Michael stared down at the tray before him stabbing his fork into the dried up meat. How could anyone call this edible? He let go of his fork, arching a brow as it stayed in an upright position. This couldn’t be good. He looked over to Alex sitting next to him watching him devour the turkey-burger with delight. And they claimed his eating habits were disgusting?

He glanced over to Maria, who was pushing around her rubberized green beans, staring down at them unseeingly. He felt guilty for treating her the way he did, but they couldn’t get involved. He couldn’t let his guard down and give free rein to his emotions. She dropped her fork down with a clatter and reached up to brush away a stray hair that fell across her face.

He couldn’t force his eyes away from her dejected appearance as he fought the urge to take her in his arms. Why does she affect me this way? Because you love her, you moron. He immediately tried to deny the thought, but it seemed to engrave itself on his mind to repeat over and over again. So what if he loved Maria? It didn’t mean he had to do anything about it. He was about to excuse himself from the table when Liz rushed over to sit on the other side of him. He arched a brow at her, watching her try to catch her breath.

Ever since her and Max had broken things off, she had been avoiding the quad during lunchtime. She usually hid in the Biology Lab doing scientific stuff. Michael wasn’t exactly sure what exactly, because he was barely passing as it was.

“Well, if it isn’t the elusive Parker. What brings you to our humble table?” He stared at her, challenging her to respond. He didn’t know why he baited her or Maria for that matter. He couldn’t understand why he felt this way around them. This feeling to protect them. He wouldn’t admit it aloud but he thought of Liz as a younger sister, and he knew that if he needed help she would be there without question. That was what really bugged him… He didn’t want that responsibility on his shoulders.

“Well, I was going to ask for your help, but seems like I’m wasting my time…”

He grabbed her arm as she made to leave, yanking her back down onto the bench once more. “What’s wrong, Liz?” He watched her look at him in astonishment. “What?”

“That’s the first time you’ve ever called me by my first name…”

He just shrugged as he munched on chips covered with tobasco sauce. Liz figured that was his way of apologizing. She’ll never figure Michael out, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to. It was better to leave things as they were.

“Um… Where is everyone else?”

“Isabel is over at the other table with her groupies, Kyle and Tess are probably in the Eraser Room, and I haven’t seen Max all day.” Alex answered as he stuffed his mouth with a Twinkie.

“Max is with Mr. Jamieson discussing the extra-credit project.” Maria put in, the first thing she uttered since getting to the quad.

“Well, everyone should hear this… It’s important. Let’s all meet at the Crashdown after closing time.” Liz got up with the others as the bell rang. The three agreed to meet at the appointed time and to let the missing people in on what was going down. They split up in the hall each heading to their classes.

Biology used to be his favorite class only because he had Liz as a lab partner. Now he couldn’t muster up enough enthusiasm for it all. Being Liz’s partner now was pure torture. It was hard to stand next to her and not want to wrap his arms around her or kiss her. She always smelled wonderful and it tempted beyond words. He mumbled to himself as he opened the door. There she was at their usual spot getting their area ready. He walked reluctantly over to her, watching her work.

She looked up and over to him, meeting his gaze for a brief moment before looking down at her pad in front of her. He sat down beside her wondering what to say if anything. He knew he should back away from her and the relationship that he wanted. His eyes raked the room not wanting to look at her.

“Max… There’s something we have to talk about.”

He blinked in surprise, not expecting that at all. He finally looked at her warily. “What about?”

“I can’t say it here. Everyone is supposed to meet at the Crashdown after closing.”

He tried not to show his disappointment. He thought she wanted to talk about what was between them, but it was just wishful thinking. He gave her a curt nod, turning to start up their lab. He thought he couldn’t feel any worse than he was but he was proven wrong. Was it worth all the pain?

Liz was counting the hours before they were to meet. Maria assured her that they managed to convince Isabel, Kyle and Tess to show up, but she was still nervous. She couldn’t understand why, because they were all used to the crisis. This was just one among many, but she didn’t know how any of them would react… Especially Max.

She fidgeted with the cleaning rag, fighting the urge to run to her room and go online. She wanted to talk to E.T.. He would calm her down, she knew. Was she making a big mistake? Maybe she shouldn’t tell them what she knew.

“Earth to Parker… Order is up.”

She looked up to Michael blushing slightly. This wasn’t the time for these thoughts. She had a job to do. She grabbed the plates of steaming food and went to deliver it to the old couple in the front booth. Only thirty minutes before closing and the closer it got, the more antsy she got.

“Liz, you’re going to explode if you don’t calm down. Whatever it is, it can’t be as bad as some of the things we’ve dealt with.” Alex lounged on one of the stools by the register, watching her and Maria work. She knew he was right, but it was easier said than done. She walked over to him and grabbed his hand, placing the cleaning rag in it.

“Get yourself busy…”

“Hey, this isn’t my job…”

“You aren’t doing anything else but annoy us, Alex.” Maria walked up behind him with a broom and dustpan in hand. “You either clean the counter and table tops or go scrub the toilet. Your choice.”

“Uh… The tables are looking real appealing.”

“Thought it would. Run along.”

“Why don’t you all start working? What do you think this is? Home?” Michael arched a brow, leaning over the window ledge waving around a spatula.

“I thought you were the only one that considered this home…” Maria countered.

“Give me a few posters of near-naked women, and it’ll feel a little more cozy.”

“We don’t run that kind of establishment. Save it for later, PeeWee.”

“More than you can handle, DeLuca.”

“We all know you are all talk and no action, Guerin…”

“Hello?! We’re still here.” Alex waved a hand in between the heated looks that Maria and Michael were sharing. The sexual tension was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.

“Looks like we didn’t miss much.” Tess laughed as her, Max, Kyle and Isabel walked into the Café and grabbed a booth.

“Just the angst moments between the two lovers.” Alex ducked as Michael threw a slice of stale bread towards him.

Maria shook her head and walked over to the register as the old couple got up from their booth and scurried over. They were obviously in a rush to get out of there, and she couldn’t really blame them. She wished she could get out of Michael’s disgusting presence before she either decked or kissed him senseless. Both of them sounded intriguing.

Max sat down next to his sister with Tess and Kyle across from them. Liz went over to lock the front door and flip the sign over to “Closed” before joining them. Maria and Alex leaned against the side of the booth, Michael stood like a sentinel with legs wide apart and arms folded across his chest, and Liz stood beside him playing with the hem of her outfit.

“So what is it that we have to know?” Isabel put in impatiently, glaring back at Max when he threw her a warning look.

“Um… Yeah. I don’t know where to begin…”

“I think the beginning is a good place as any.” Michael pointed out feeling the same impatience as Izzy.

“Thank you, Michael… Okay. Awhile ago, I got some disturbing news. It was just before the Skins come about… I got a visit from Max’s future self.”

“Hold up… Are you saying Max from the future came back into the past to tell you something? Isn’t that a bit crazy?” Tess asked, looking around at the skeptical faces.

“Oh? And Aliens are an everyday occurrence I’m sure.” Maria arched a brow, waiting for someone to dispute her statement. “So if Aliens can exist, then why not time travel?”

“Whether it happened or not isn’t the point… What did my future self have to say?”

“Well… he told me that our love would cause the destruction of the Earth.”

“The destruction of the Earth… Don’t you think that is a bit self-centered? Why do you think that your ‘relationship’ should be the catalyst to bringing about the end of the world?” Michael rolled his eyes in disbelief.

“I was told one of us will betray the group and join up with the Skins.”

“Which of us would betray the group? And all because of the love of you and Max?” Isabel appeared confused at this. “The only one that could have been affected would be Tess…”

“Are you accusing me of betraying everyone? Is that what you think of me?” Tess glared across the table to Isabel restrained by Kyle’s hand on her shoulder.

“I wasn’t accusing you of anything. I said you WERE the only one. Past tense. It was the whole issue of destiny. But since everyone isn’t following our supposed destiny, then it shouldn’t apply.”

“Well… I can’t really say what I would’ve done. You all weren’t exactly accepting me with open arms.”

“It was a difficult time for us, and we didn’t really want to accept something that felt forced on us.” Max added softly, looking down at his folded hands as everything seemed to sink in. That was why Liz was pushing him away. She was trying to protect the world from destruction, but she should have seen how absurd the idea was. If it was meant to be then nothing could change it… He spared a quick gaze up at her, wondering why she got quiet. She had her arms wrapped around her waist and she was looking down at her feet. Her cheeks were tinged with a blush as a single tear trickled down her cheek.


“I made a whole mess of things… I feel like such an idiot.” She gave a wobbly laugh before leaving the Café with everyone staring after her in shock. What was that all about? They hadn’t meant to make her feel bad. Max got ready to go after her, but Michael reached out a hand to him.

“Let me go… You’re too involved in this to be much of a comfort.”

Max opened his mouth to refuse, but he would have been talking to thin air as Michael went out to look for Liz. Everyone looked around at each other in guilt then away. What Liz did was so self-less… She would sacrifice her love to save everyone. Could any of them have done the same thing if they were in her position?

Michael walked down the street with his hands stuffed in his pocket. He was heading towards the outskirts of town. He didn’t know why he knew that she would be there, but he did. Sure enough he found her huddled in the cave they had used so many times in the past. She was sobbing her heart out, making Michael uncomfortable. There was that protective feeling again… But this time, he wouldn’t analyze it or try to hide it. She needed a friend right now, and he felt he was the best choice.

“Hey, Parker. That was quite a show back there.” He sat down beside her, leaning his back against the stone wall behind him.

“I’m just your local Drama Queen.” She mumbled, her hands covering her face.

“Well, my word of advice. Leave it to Maria or Izzy… It doesn’t really suite you.”

She lifted her head and looked over to him, tears brimming in her dark eyes. “Did you come here to insult me?”

“No, but if it makes you feel better, I’ll oblige.”

She couldn’t help but laugh, returning his grin. He draped his arm around her shoulders pulling her into his embrace.

“See? Don’t you feel better?”

She laid her hand on his shoulder, reaching up to brush the tears from her cheek. “Tons… Why’re you being nice to me?”

“I can be nice. Just don’t get used to it. I’ve got an image to uphold.”

“What would the world think if they knew Michael Guerin was a softy?”

“If you tell, I’ll have to kill you.”

She chuckled then fell silent. She was surprised to find Michael had found her, but she was real glad. She got to see a side to him that she could only guess at. Now she knew what Maria saw in him, and it saddened her that he couldn’t show his feelings more often. He would be irresistible… He needed happiness as much as the next person.

“Do you think what I did was stupid?”

“Stupid? No… What you did was amazing… I have to admit I had my doubts about how strong you were. But you showed us guys up. How could we compete?”

“But I hurt Max, and it almost broke the group up.”

“We all make mistakes, and you had a good reason. Remember that. As for the group, you can’t blame yourself. Everyone contributed to that whole affair. Tonight you made us realize how important our friendship really is.”

“You’re making me like you…”

“Hey, I’m a lovable guy.”

“Can I ask you a question and get an honest answer?”

“Depends…” He looked down at her, his eyes cautious.

“Do you love Maria?”

He thunked his head against the wall, wanting to avoid the question and all that came with it. If he admitted his feelings then there was no turning back. But if he refused, he could ruin everything… He thought about what Liz did for Max and the rest… She tried giving them a future. Why should he deny his feelings and a future that could possibly include Maria into it all? If Tess could be with Kyle, Max love Liz, and Alex’s feelings for Isabel, then why couldn’t he have his Maria?

“You don’t have to answer… I shouldn’t pry.”

“Parker, you talk to much. Yeah, I love Maria.”

She nodded against his chest, but didn’t say anything more. They just sat there letting time pass by in a comfortable silence. When it began to get chilly and the others must have been worrying, they decided to head back. They climbed out of the cave and headed back towards town, Michael’s jacket wrapped around Liz’s shivering form.

It was two in the morning by the time they reached the Crashdown, and they found everyone snoozing in the booth. Kyle and Tess were cuddled in their booth, Isabel’s head pillowed on Max’s chest, and Maria’s head resting on Alex’s lap as he leaned against the booth. Michael and Liz quietly let themselves in and looked down at the slumbering group. They exchanged amused grins before clearing their throat.