Fifty Percent off Coupon

Promotion Name
Gyu-Kaku Midtown
805 3rd Ave.
(50th St. 2nd FL)
Lunch:M-F 11:30-2:00pm
Dinner 5:00 Daily
Gyu-Kaku East Village
34 Cooper Square
Dinner 5:00pm Daily

East Village 2 days Special Event
50% Off Meats
Gyu-Kaku East Village is inviting you to come celebrate your first meal of the winter with us.  For the next two days, we are giving 50% discount to all meat items (Kobe beef and Lobster excluded).   Just bring in the coupons attached at the end of this e-mail to receive your savings.  
Cannot wait to make reservations?
Click the link below.

We apologize for the successive e-mails, but we really want you to know how much we appreciate your businesses.
'Arigatou Gozaimashita'

Toshi Hayakawa
Save 50% off your meats!!!
Take 50% off all meats and seafood items (except Kobe beef and lobster) when you bring in this coupon to dine at EAST VILLAGE location on 10/30/2007 or 10/31 2007

 * Coupon must be present in order to be eligible for discount.
** Not valid with any other offers and subject to change with advanced notice.
*** Valid only at East Village location.

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