Scathing Sarcasm of the Week:
I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public again.


Last Updated
14 Nov 99

The Experience

How To Do Things (Faster!)

The Appleshade Files

Wow... something has changed again!  This is becoming an increasingly rare habit, due to my Bond-like activities and his Blofeld-like inactivities.  Ne'er mind.  There's many a fix twixt copping a lip, or some such nonsense.
Not alot has changed at this point in time: there's two new Appleshade Files and some other stuff.  The big news being that we shall shortly (hopefully) be moving to a site more suitable for our particular brand of verbal buggery.

The FREAK Show!

Rogues Gallery

New Users, Losers
and Abusers

About The Authors..

Much-Vaunted Linkage-ness!

How do you do Geography?

I've read worse.  I've read Eddings: The Mack-Daddy Daily

An intricate weaving of slick irreverance and madcap genius:The Guardhean

COMING SOON: Danny Wilde:  The Wilderness Years... Scarborough's Greatest Phenomenon, Legend in his own Lunch-Hour Danny Wilde's sensational unauthorised biography... it's Seaside Danny Wilde!!

The biggest pile of crap since Godzilla had a vindaloo: The Sunday Fart

Write nasty things about the boys in the new for access and let rip.

Vene, Vidi, Guuchi...: HenD and GinJ

(c) G.J.B. Barber & D. Kenyon 1999

Selected artwork (c) Erin Alexa 1999

Warning: This site may damage your wealth. (do you see how funny we are?! do you!?)