Tom Coleman's Writing, Photos, Music and Dead Musicians List

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A sample:

Photo by Tom Coleman © 2001


washed in water,  an impressionist painter, reflecting the world
soft blurred into forms and colors we can feel easy with,
to take as we will, and bend to our fancy
tempered by fire, a furnace of passion, transforming the world
rending the forms and colors into heat and ash, fast gone
our choice is slim or none, we are swept up
in the wind,  a reckless youth, sweeping flotsam from the world
carrying away what is loose, cleansing the pallet,
scouring the landscape, and renewing the soul
of the earth,  a preserver of tradition, holding roots of the world.
So inhale that rich loamy odor, born of many, varied lives,
some long since past, still feeding the new

© Tom Coleman 2001-2


Smooth glistening skin   
shines in afternoon sun 
gently cooled by rivulets  
dripping hair runs  
rippling around your curve 
riveting my attention 
siren song draws
me unresistingly near
melting firm to your chest 
find two warm centers 
fresh new textures  
hard pillow elastic rock 
cool water notes 
sing simple counterpoint
to this rich chord we make
fugue composed of two lines 
one ecstatic musical architecture 
from apprentices of passion 
                 © 1999-08 Tom Coleman

Samples of my writing:


My pics on

And on Flickr

Olympic National Park

Cat pictures Outer Banks, 2004 (two pages)

Some older photos are here

Musings on music- concerts, CDs, etc

Dead Musicians List -with lottsa links!

Visual Arts

Feel free to e-mail me:
© 1996-2008 Thomas R Coleman

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I started this site on Nov. 8, 1998.

Links to other sites on the Web
New Café
Electric Minds - virtual community since 1996

Music Staff and Pencil animation by Ryon Coleman

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