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The Richard.A.Patterson Homepage
My Favorite Poems & Prose
Jack the Ripper
Resources for my Book on the British poet Francis Thompson as a Jack the Ripper suspect. Selected Verse and Writings from Others.
My Poems
Jack the Ripper - a Paradox
Some Self Compositions.
Or to download and read the latest version of the book click the above link.
My Computer Art.
Mindscape Roleplaying System Images Created by Two and Three Dimensional Graphic Software.
My roleplaying game includes.
The Game System Rules.
A Sample Module: 'Havenwood'.
Equipment Lists for Fantasy and Science Fiction Genres.
Crop Circles Explained.
My Macroflake Hypothesis. Proposing that they are Caused by a Naturally Occurring Meteorological Phenomena.
My Stories
Nostradamus Examined.
My interpretation of Century IX - Quatrain 83.