Welcome to Tootie's World!!

A Place all about....ME! and of course my friends and stuff!!
Hiya everybody!!
Please pardon the condition of this site cause it is still under construction....What am I saying?!?! It will probably always be under construction!!! Before ya meet me, there is someone else ya gotta meet first! This is Cholita..... she is my adopted "Fluff", and she is the mascot for my page! She will be your host and your guide during your visit to my page. If you guys upset her..by making lewd comments, gestures, or whatnot....ya better watch out...she'll hunt you down!!! If any of you peoples that visit my page want one of your own then visit the link at the bottom of this page....and get one yourself!!!!
Now for your visit to my world. Just follow the foot prints and see where they may lead you!! If you want to know something that I don't cover inside then just ask, and I might have an answer for ya!

Well everybody I am finally on my trip back to the states! I get to leave my hubby behind and go 5 months early! So if you sign my guestbook or drop me an email and I dont get back to you right away...it's nothing to do with you its that fact that I dont have a computer at the time! 

Do you hate those pesky popups that all the time come up when you are reading a page? Go here for a program that can help!! 

   Oh No it's ME!!  The Original Tootiegirl!      My Kids!!    My CyberBuds!!
   Where We Live    My Poetry Page    My Cyber Zoo     My Wolf Page
My B.I.T.C.H Page   My P.O.W. Page         Credits
Linkys to Other Pages

Yell at Me!! Guestbook by GuestWorld View It!!


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Being In Total Control of Herself
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Tootie Girl
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ã  1998 Tootiegirl