Damn, two months since I've been here! To paraphrase Miss Manners, fear not gentle readers, I have not abandoned writing, or reading for that matter, I just haven't been doing it here. Don't ask me why; it may be because I developed a small aversion to writing on the computer and have worn out a couple of pens and several ink cartridges doing it, like Smith, Barney, the old fashioned away (anyone else remember John Houseman as Smith, Barney's spokesperson. A big rotund man, English, magisterial, with a booming baritone even without raising his voice. Was the law professor in the tv series "The Paper Chase". Anyway enough about that.
So, what's up in my world, a place linked tenuously to other worlds by the minds of the people who traverse it's, and their, borders. Well, a whole lot, and not much. Since I last wrote Sharon and I have had our spring break at the beach; seven glorious hot, sunny, shrimpy, lazy, read until you need to swim, swim until you need to read days on Oak Island. So much shrimp, so little time. Without straining anything except my eyes I read eleven books, and started three others that I just couldn't get into so I abandoned them to the "read another day" list. Got lots of sun (OK the surgeon general advises that the sun's rays can cause cancer. Tough shit! No one lives forever, and I don't want to. I love to play in the sun and in the water, and as a consequence I get tanned and even occasionally burn. Life goes on, and in truth, I like how I look with a good tan more than how I look fish-belly white!)
What else. Oh yeah, while we were down there Sharon and I decided that we are going to remove ourselves to the beach, permanently, and set the timeframe at three years. Then we went looking for where at the beach (after Fran we are not really interested in being right on the ocean!). As someone with a scientific bent and education, I am all to aware of the risks for those who "build on sand". Anyway, to make a long story short, we thought that we had found exactly what we wanted, went through the process of making the decision, and then when we had made it were told by our (buyer's) agent that an offer on the lot had been accepted one short hour before we called her. Bad news? No, in discussing it we became acutely aware that our decision on what we were going to do was fine but that we had to fill in more than a few blanks on how we were going to do it (fine tuning the objective without being rigorous about the means of attaining it.) So, we are going to the beach, we are spending a fair amount of time looking at house plans, drawings, architectural web pages, playing with house design software (now you know where at least some of the hours not devoted to this journal went ), and generally laying the foundation that will bring our plans into alignment with the universe. It will happen when it is right and as it is supposed to, all we have to do is hold the vision (that was of course what we did *not* have when we made the initial decision!) and work on that foundation.
On a topic that arose after the beach stuff, my long-time laissez faire attitude to money finally rose up and bit me on the ass. So now Sharon is doing much more of the detail work around our finances and the result, even over a very short term, has been a major step forward in our financial outlook. This is *good*. I had a bit of a hissy fit when the shoe dropped, but not really that much of one. I have known that I am not very good in that area for oh, twenty five years or so, but kept on doing it anyway. Victim shit by choice? Yup. No more. Got better things to do with my time and energy, and besides, Sharon has a green thumb and if it works for money the way it works for tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers then we will move ahead right smartly. So off to another topic. Have I had my political rant yet? No? Can't think of why not; the health care community has decided it will pay for men to get it up but not for women to prevent the consequences; India and Pakistan have have indulged in a thermonuclear display of playground machismo and the hell with the rest of the world; the Baptists tried and failed to convert the Mormon's to a Christian way of life (too bad, the Mormons are now doomed to hell, at least according to Pope Patterson the Portly and his godly submissive missus.). Living in the South as I do, and having been myself a member of the Latter Day Saints (as I was for all the wrong reasons, but that's another tale!)my personal belief is that on average the Mormons are more Christian that many Southern Baptists, if only because they tend not to be hypocritical in their lifestyle. Anything else? Oh yeah, Texas's Senatorial successor to the Rev. Billy Sunday, in his wisdom, has decided that homosexuality (God forbid any sexual orientation that doesn't produce children the missionary way!) is right up there with kleptomania and alcoholism as psychologically treatable aberrant behaviour! Trent Lott, presidential aspirant. Scary, ain't it. Why it's almost as bad as Moses becoming the leader and chief ammo passer for the NRA, the national right to kill club. Say hey Charlton, got a spare clip, I'm right out of Black Claws to pertect mah wimmin and chilluns.
OK, rants over.
Go lightly,
Have a great life until I can wish you one again,
Off to write my collaborative journal entry on how 195 million bucks could affect minor changes in my lifestyle!