GeoAni ICQ#30069100

My real name is Adrian Anikushin, I'm 29 at this time, (1998), I'm Artist and do my art, do sculptures, and painting pictures, having a nice diner at evening, I live in St. Petersburg in Russia, and we have fun live in here with all of this funs that is happening here. I smoke and slip (when I'm tiered) and I dream of iMac the {official side (I deem "iMac")}. At this time, I write some of HyperCard things, I want to do a kind of new Neuro XOS, with abilities of write a HyperText and little adapt to the user, it steel a future, there is small stack to download, at this site, this writing is a big thanks for my teacher of Neuro Networks Y. Shestov and S. Tolkachev my HyperNeuro teacher, he (S. Tolkachev) has a fine and very useful XCMD's at his Apreal site at AOL, they are shareware, but you know that is pays back nothing with XCMD's and other stuff, so I'm asking you to try the Developer tools from Apreal Inc., and don't forget for ware of the share.

    this site - Made with Macintosh. (go

That "FREE HOME-PAGE" stuff is totally true, can do a free, for a present, for you, a home page. if I can understand what relay you what. So write me or visit the official site of FREE HOME PAGE for more information about this future.

I may write some more after words, but now I'm going to draw something more for you. --

Hello, now it is a December of 1998 I did a new page with a thing! That is in the way of thinking of the Y2K (Year 2000, peace and freedom) way,

So it is an Earth flag, the flag for the Earth to represent the Earth in the galaxy and universe. 'what do you think?' a? is it not big thing?..... The Earth flag.

Welcome to my Dream. (idream of G3 now)
That is kind all by now,
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! --

So, happy-happy new last year in this century, the toady's (Jan 6) work of my art is the GeoAni home. It under construction but you can go and test it out, but you have to have a dynamic HTML user internet browses, with is "Internet Explorer 4+" or "Netscape Communicator 4+" there is a lot of JavaScript witch I really don't know, OK, OK here the link.... {geohome}. but the first page can be viewed by any browses like "Netscape 1.0" or "Cyberdog" or "HyperCard" O!

About "HyperCard" soon you have a some things for HyperCard at this site, so stay tuned... Happy, happy. --

Here some more... it is My Love! Sophia, and he home page... (geosophia 's Home Page). Welcome to say hi, or hello here. --

This Page has change today, so I write something to make you know of the changes...
So, there is a new page named "Explore". Welcome to explore the web!

Adrian Anikushin

Mail to me at: (thank you)

Welcome GeoSities!