Here Come the
Pockmarked Fisherwomen!!!

Welcome to the Home of the Pockmarked Fisherwomen. This is a nice little place that is dedicated to the band that so many know and love. If you are among those many, you have found a kindred place. If not, I'm not sure what to say to you..... wait, yes I do...... WELCOME!!! And try the samples on the page titled "samples". These are nice little tidbits that will let you know what you've been missing out on.
Off the subject a little, I've been experimenting with wallpapers, so I apologize if any of the pages give you a headache.

Feel free to look around:

NEWS and such

For your listening pleasure, try a few Samples

Here are the "Albums"
we've made.

The band has had various Incarnations,
line-ups, and mood swings.

Visit some great and varied Links
to my favorite music, poetry, toys, friends, actors, filmakers, historical figures, and what-not.

So far, the Misc
section consists of our only band photo, which is ugly and out of date due to yet another line-up adjustment, and some info on getting a tape of us, which no one ever seems to be interested in... everyone want CDs... what is this crap? Doesn't anyone have tape recorders anymore? Sheesh!

If you are a musician, this Music
page will eventually give you some hints on how to rip us off. But I originally said that two years ago, I think, and so far I have added nothing of significance, so maybe I am just out of my mind.

If you want to sing along with our Songs,
by all means follow this link!
We want to hear your lovely voice when we play live in your town.

Don't forget to say hello!

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