Kingston Irish Famine
Commemoration Association
Án Gorta Mór 1847-1848
A Short History of The Irish Famine
The Kingston Connection
KIFCA Information
Upcoming Events and Information
"This Celtic Cross was erected in Kingston, Ontario Canada at the corner of Ontario and West Streets on May 22nd 1998."
"The Kingston Irish Famine Commemoration Association is made up of a group of local volunteers dedicated to researching Kingston's role in the Irish Famine."
The Kingston Irish Famine Commemoration Association's - Related Links
Current News Famine Links
The Irish Times
Potato Famine Page - An extensive directory of many things relating to the Famine.
The Irish Famine - A graphically beautiful page with great links to other information.
The Belfast Telegraph
Views of the Famine - Great pictures and first-hand accounts from Irish newspapers.
Irish History on the Web - An exhaustive series of pages on virtually all aspects of Irish history.
Dungarvan Museum Society - Over 150 pages of links relating to the historical signifigance of the Dungarvan area. It includes an excellent range of pages on the Irish Famine and its impact.
Local Interest
Kingston Irish Folk Club - The Folk Club deals with the promotion of all forms of Irish Culture.
Tir nan Óg Irish Pub - Kingston's premier meeting place. Same Ireland, different country.
The Museum of Health Care at Kingston - "The Astonishing Past of Kingston General Hospital: A Walking Tour" has a significant portion of the tour dedicated to the typhus epidemic and the mass grave located at the hospital.
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© 2002 Kingston Irish Famine Commemoration Association
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Tyler Percy
111 Bay St. Apt. #3
Kingston, Ontario
K7K 1H9
(613) 449-1646
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Photos of Kingston's Celtic Cross photos courtesy of Eugene Cornacchia
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