As this page loads, you will notice an ugly little box appearing on the right side of the screen, around about NOW!

That is a yahoo thing, and that is something that I will not tolerate. I will also not tolerate being hosted by a company that says it owns my site content, nor one who makes me sign up for free webspace, email and chat with a credit card!
just to check your age it says!)


And the very latest, to join a webring, you must first have a yahoo ID! And to get that ID, you must first give your credit card details. And this is supposed to be a free service. I don't care how many times they say that they won't give your details out, I just logged on to my yahoo mail account for the first time, I have never used it anywhere before, and there was 870 spam emails, all the smut you can ever ask for. Now please, let them tell me they didn't sell my details....

This is money making gone mad.

So I hear that yahoo was started by 2 guys with a good idea? Well sure it was a good idea, but remember that you were the little people once too.

With all that said and this page not likely to last very long, please visit my OWN, totally pop-up free, addless domain, a place where the only content on my site is what I allow to be there, where I own everything that I make, and get to keep it. And by the way, I will NEVER ask for your credit card number!

Thankyou for taking the time to listen to my rant!

Sent from an email list
I normally don't do this sort of thing, but my friends and I are tired of Yahoo! slowly making us pay for all of their services. Those things that remain "free" are having extremely strict limitations placed on them, which is just a way to try to get us to buy what they have. Examples are personal ads, geocities websites, popmail and gossip has it groups are next! Don't let your group be hurt by this!
This is an extremely easy way to express your opinion to Yahoo! Please check it out:
I am not begging anyone to sign this nor am I trying to cause trouble, but if you agree with what the petition says, it would be greatly appreciated if you would sign. There are over 23,500 signatures in not even a week!!! Obviously people are not impressed!