These all rock
Go to where I go ...
New Stuff -

Aug 18
Well, things have happened and are happening. Ann moved in (so very good). I got arrested (don't worry, it was a bullshit arrest, and I'm off the hook). I leave for a weekend in MI tomorrow. So for now I leave you with a Sebastian Media Blitz. Check out
this page for all the goodies.

July 5
New MeThinks about, as the editor at the Ka Leo put it, the "Bush-it" from the White House. Enjoy.

July 2
Apparently that last update messed up the links from the textlinks page to the individual MeThinks pages. It should be fixed now. And let's all give the Honolulu City Council a figurtaive pat on the back for passing a resolution opposing the USA PATRIOT Act today. Good job, citizens.

June 14
The key to a good website is content, they all say. Well, here's some more. A MeThinks from a few months ago is
here, and the Honolulu Weekly has my "Letter From Turkey" in their archives section. There's no way that I know to link directly to it, so just click here, then on "archives" and scroll down until you see it. N'Joy.

Mar. 11
New pictures are up (click on the pictures button above) as well as some political MeThinks that ran in the school paper recently. There's one on
soldiers going off to war, one on the University of Hawaii president being silent on the whole political issue (and how he shouldn't be silent) and a goofy one about public computer labs. Aloha.

Nov. 29
feeling stuffed, i've put up a methinks about a friend's suicide. as there's a bit of secrecy about the whole thing, please
email me if you're in some way involved with the story and want to read my take on it. i'll email you the page link. For everyone else, I should have a batch of great hawaii pictures up in a day or two. cheers.

words hidden in words
Text version of the ole links page
I don't lie, I just tell stories that make me look good.
Yes, it is all copyright Sebastian Blanco and  $0.75 Publishing.

C. 2000-2003
Use them, they're sort of real . . .
pixelated pleasures
If you love someone, bow to them.

If there is no feeling, bow to them.
There are 43 MeThinks on this site and 27 short stories. And some poems. Can you find them all?
A kid at Ugei Elementary drew this of/for me. I have no idea which kid, but i like 'em. I am an icon.
My friend Etsuko drew this of me and Margaret while Etsuko was out sick. The grey box on the left says 'homepage very good.'
not real but real
This is not a link ...
The first political cartoon based on something that happened to me. What a world. (copyright 2003 Honolulu Star-Bulletin)