Torsten's Super Fun Happy Page

"Living without hallucinations is like breathing with only one nostril."
--Weisshaupt, Church & State Volume I

This is my website. It's an extremely boiled-down, non-tactile version of me. At some point it will metamorphosize into something a little less prosaic, but for now it's a nice little tour into corners of my life.

Meet Torsten: Vital stats, interesting biographical information, animal pictures.

Links: Find cool stuff.

Pals o' Mine: Fun, likeable people with their own spiffy pages.

Films: Movie reviews and recommendations.

Books and such: Reading material recommendations.

Planes, trains and automobiles: Here's where I hit the road.

Sports sports sports sports: Softball stats, race results, and maybe more.

The 2003 New York City Marathon

Hedwig!: A night of Hedwigian madness.

Red Sox vs. Yankees: Photos from the April 15, 2001 game at Fenway Park I attended with my friend Chris.

The Many Faces of Torsten: Fugitive from justice or just weird?

Stories: A couple of old stories of mine. New ones to come soon hopefully.

It's Been Said: Quotes that tickled my fancy in one way or another.

September 11 remembered

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