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*French warrants; secret letters used to imprison or exile personal enemies of the king or nobility (from 17th cent.). They were outlawed by the National Assembly (1789).

If your Mind accounts itself in arrears; {and Hart too, [and Fly (imagination, instinct,
hypothala-muses, you get the…)];  and illuminates a self reduced to "eating" a few teaspoons full of (contents in
that ancient bottle of) vegetable oil -50%- (by weight) mixing-in back-of-not-doctor-quality refrigerator herbs in a tiny plastic bag -50%- and seasoned salt -50%-}, then here is what to do.  Shoe.

You must first put enough cleverness into the road to exact a meaningful^*^ (English word recognition returning, etc…; Dead Zone of The Real Soulmate Love Found and
Lost diffused enough to stand up directly in front of memories and phrases', foreverness jacketed, pinging and zinging trace her rounds all through fuselage not-thorax of bdomen -- but anyway stand; any way) ^*^arrival at Thucydides' The Peloponnesian War, and Sheehan's Vietnam tome, A Bright Shining Lie -- especially Book III on "The Battle of Ap Bac".  N.B.:  I urge anyone who climbs [or is "climbed" into (always try to avoid the Passive Voice)] ...into a Grand Canyon of, notwithstanding, RS  Love, to pack these two volumes first, before undertaking your quest; forgoing this inoculation of viability of the spirit only at great and onerous peril.  I would avoid substitution, frankly, what if you goof?(!)  Contraindicated.  Why not just trust me on this one, mm?  Shoe.

So let a public notice evolve by dint of this post: I shall have, doubtless, reason, then, to have been newly finding confidence in your will, and so you should be seen, eventually, evincing a climb-out, using the spine of these books as ad hoc steps; …probably saying something to your bad arid self like, "...after all…I'm only a
human being…(per character in an X-files episode last evening, mm?)"  Shoe.

When you can see the stars again, you will want direction.  Here is what to do.  Join
Van nu en straks circle. Quod vide: \ vän-'nue-en-'sträks \  Group of writers associated with an influential Flemish review, Van nu en straks ("Of Now and Later"; 1893-94 and 1896-1901).  Though holding a variety of opinions, they strove for an art that should comprehend all human activity and give universal significance to individual feelings.  Led by the critic August Vermeylen, they included Prosper van Langendonck, Emmanuel Karel de Bom, and Alfred Hegenscheidt.  Van nu en straks gave Flemish literature a greater significance in Europe as a whole. 

Shoe.  You're welcome.
                                                                                    -- Puorg Eri-at-lov Tera-bac
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