The Dharma Bums
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"The Dharma Bums" is maintained by

I have noticed that this country is stuffed with sheep: people too afraid of public opinion to do what they want. They are easily controlled by people who are greedy and are too distracted by superficial life to revolt (or evolve). Over time, this country that proposed to be about freedom and courage (whether it ever was) has turned to a consumerism, classist free-for-all where the purse is stronger than the person.

I believe that society is the way it is because someone is or a lot of someones are benefitting from it being this way. I believe that our system is an unfair balance of power, with most of us working for the benefit of a few. People have allowed themselves to be used, and are ignorant to a better life of bliss.

I believe we need to change that...

We only know what we're told
and that's little enough.
And for all we know it isn't even true.
-Tom Stoppard, "Rosencrantz and Gildenstern are Dead"

This website is dedicated to the free exchange of information about religions and lifestyles that promote the human spirit. These are generally alternates from the chosen path of 'modern' society, and are for the enlightenment of the human race instead of the glory of the dollar.

Wow. That's kind of a mouthful. What I mean to say is that this is a place to explore religious, cultural, and sexual freedoms for the sake of freedom for every lifestyle. It is also dedicated to ways to "get out" (as in escape the rat race), but in the long run, to escape a consumerism society bent on destroying the human race for the sake of a buck.

I learned in my year or more of squatting and hitchhiking exactly what kind of people are out there. Good or bad, it was a very interesting time. This experience gave me a new look at people, and I have been writing furiously since then. Mostly about life and the politics of poverty, but more importantly, about the prejudices you think don't exist until you are face to face with them (we're talking about racism, sexism, classism).

People need to be educated about the fact that our society is moving toward a state where the government could easily assume control over every facet of life. I was raised anarchist and pacifist, but not paranoid. Even so, I have noticed too many laws passed that put control of basic necessities (like good food and clean air, housing and movement) into the hands of a few people. These people, obsessed with the accumulation of money, could quite easily redistribute without the American people having the resources to stop them.

I am not the only person who has noticed this trend in legislation. How many people are fed up with politicians today? Most. How many people actually do anything about the state of the world?? Not many. How many people are actually educated as to what the state of the world today IS ? Again, not many.

The urge to destroy is a creative one.

I have here links to organizations and people who are busy educating and enlightening people to a few basic problems. There is so much that is fucked up, it's hard to even evaluate the situation enough to know what is going on. It is understandable that people give up, turn to TV and alcohol and other forms of sedation, but THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE THERE FOR! If people have something to 'make their lives easier' or more fun, they won't bother to question why their lives are so hard to begin with, why they work 5 days and rest 2 and STILL can't afford what they want, and why there are so many people in this world doing so many cruel things to one another just to survive.

WE ARE MORE THAN ANIMALS! A sheep will stand there and piss on itself in fear before it runs away. And running away is the only action it takes to defend itself. Sound familiar?? It is no wonder that every major religion refers to it's followers as it's 'flock'!!

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