Personal Home Page

Sandeep Sharma's Home Page
Hello fellow Internet surfer and welcome to my home page. Don't be in a hurry.
"Life is definitely not like cut-flowers,
It does not wither-away in few hours."
- SS
My Background
Since a person's past determines the present and hence the future, give me a few days to highlight my past with true colors.
My Interests
My interests are well balanced between outdoor and indoor activities. I like to roller-blade, play tennis, volleyball, soccer, badminton etc. and work-out regularly. I have traveled a lot in India and US and still like to do it. Any other spare-time is spent in writing down thoughts and poems. I think I possess a great sense of humor that is appreciated by even those who don't have one.
My Personal Records
My Photos
House Photos
This will be a photographic retrospective of my life to date as well as some
samples from my poems/songs (I need to spend some more time to build this site)
Links to My Favorite Sites
Another way to really get to know someone - is to learn their favorite sites:
Dallas Fort-Worth
City of Fountains - Kansas City
Maps of India
Daily tools/utilities
Plugged into the Global Economy
Online Sanskrit Dictionary
Go To The Evolvers Group
Send me e-mail at: quest2excel

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