Devilcar's Commute

What's a devilcar?

My current life:
(updated 5/11/04)

Hello and welcome to my site!
It's been a really long time since I've made any changes so I thought I'd at least update some things. Let's see how much HTML I can remember...
I work at Klutz Inc. and we're located in Palo Alto. We publish children's activity books and they are the best! And the working here is also the best. We always manage to have a lot of fun!!!
I'm married with two great cats! Hopefully, I can get their pictures on this site in the near future. They are named Smokey (black kitty) and Tyler (orange tabby). They are the best cat kids anyone can have!!!
So please browse the site and have fun!!!

Smokey and Tyler's Homepage (not up yet)
Side Show stuff
Things I watch
Hobbies I like
Take the Boyfriend Quiz!
Other Links

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