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--"Charge of the Goddess" by Doreen Valiente


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Welcome to the Paynes Eye book of Shadows!  Here you shall find the words
of the Great Goddess & God.  Learn about them, and their teachings.  Also,
You shall find some personal "stuff" from Panther Night Sky herself! Enjoy!

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Have you ever wanted to read myths from different cultures?  Well, here is your chance.
Including many cultures, Myths of the Sacred Tree incorporates many tales involving of
course trees, many including sacred Gods of the particular region.  So grab a cup of java,
sit back, relax....and open this virtual book!                                                                  

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Take a trip with me down memory lane to explore some of the perons who
have either influenced my life or have, in my opinion, spread beauty & wisdom
in my world, and the worlds of others.   Also featured here is Panther Night Sky's
RANTS & RAVES where she thouroughly expresses what's on her mind!   Please don't
be offended by her sarcasm....she's an Aries!  Enjoy!

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 Hi folks!  I have to admit, the navigation is not all that it should be on my pages.  If by chance you get
a bit baffled, just follow the "Eye" home.  Paynes Eye will always lead you in the right direction!

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