
Harris's Dodgy Photos!! US Site

Incest, philandery, balloons and now even toe sucking, we have it all.

(Be scared. Be Very Scared. I probably have a dodgy photo of you somewhere.)

If you're in Europe try My page there as that will be quicker. If it's switched on.

Harris's Photo page Nearly stylish and nearly artistic!

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 But first for some really quite daft things...

Send me a message direct from here (I'm trying to not to revise and am playing with ICQ)...

Everyone's dream come true... For some bizarre reason this only works on Netscape 4. Sorry all you plebs without it!!
Don't try running it in Netscape 3 as it tends to bodge.

What Babelfish did to my front page

The ultimate Revision song - I won't Revise!!  (cheers Vitor!)

Ooh! Spinny things!

Plug - For the website of Mr David Plato Welchman and Mr. Graeme Aristotle Hill
I'm not saying there finished yet or anything but they are daft enough to mention. Just watch out for Tardigrades.

Now the piccys of all my friends (clichéd bit)

For more silly things that it definitely wasn't me that said them, honest, look at the quotes on Phil's web page

Another formal hall - this time starring Miss Rebecca Jane Lloyd!

The Little Chef page is Here!!! I have to work with these people!!

I also have to play tennis with them!

The Formal Hall - We were quite drunk.

A day in the life of Pembroke plus random silly shots - now with added socks.

Scary Women - assorted strange types. I do end up with some very odd friends

Les Tres Amigos - we're all mad. Mad I tell you!!!

Birthdays are cool - especially with a camera (basically all the new stuff that isn't somewhere else!!!)

Strange People - proof that being at Churchill deranges people. OK so they might be under the influence of the unlimited alcohol at the ball, but that's life really...

Party Animal!! (and I've changed this so it is actually spelt right)

The Steve: This is not my revenge...

Me (v dodgy) including new posh animation. Ooh! I hear you shout.

Tracey Sowerby - some of very few photos in existence. Includes previously lost material that I mysteriously found in my camera!!

Poor old Sarah P, looking Harrised as ever

My Stoned friend whose initials spell, irrelevantly, cess

Assorted Small People - watch your knee caps

Chris and his girlfriends (Donna will kill me)

A day in the life of a Cambridge English student  (please note the anyone who thinks I'm rude!!)

And similarly Suburbia, the tale of a Historian and a CompSci...

Miss Rosalind Elizabeth Greener, international financier

That Photo (for people from Risedale / LC Skeeby)

Those Photos (for people at Cambridge)

Devil Worship!!! (includes more rare footage of Tracey and more drunk footage of me!)

A very motley crew. Strange people that have the cheek to go to other colleges

Harris family values i.e. my strange family.

And Finally... I've even changed this so that this is a little part of my website that is forever Nottingham...

Leave me a message if you like...

my counter thingy

If you want to check your mail and are at Cambridge Uni, click here

David Harris, 33c Churchill College, Cambridge CB3 0DS. **Tel 01223 504435**

All photos in this site are copyright David J Harris 1997/1998 All rights reserved worldwide!