WELCOME!!! Artistic Aura is a website with an atmosphere in which creative endeavors thrive. This is a place where the arts are advocated as vital to the well-being of ourselves as individuals and our culture as a whole...included in these pages are essays on the importance of art in our society. Here you will find artwork on display as well as methods for teaching art. And if you look closely you will catch a glimpse of one individual's journey through this path called Life represented by her artwork and creative writing...expressions of love and loss, heartache and triumph.

Art is not just a product that is hung on a museum wall or encased in glass. It is this artist's philosophy that the ultimate purpose of art is fulfilled within the process of creating it. Art is not a thing, it is an act! It's the act of creating something that transcends the material world, answers questions and resolves conflicts within the artist's soul...and if by chance the end result touches another human being in some profound way, the effect of that act is multiplied. But if the "product" goes unappreciated by others, that does not diminish the value of the work by its creator for it served its purpose long before anyone else ever saw it. This is not to say there is no such thing as "bad" art...the quality of the end product is subject to standards of critique, especially if the artist expects to sell his work. But those standards are limited by the perceptions of outsiders...ultimately, it is the artist who will judge if the work has fulfilled its purpose through the act of its creation.

Last but certainly not least, kids of all ages will find a place to call their own here...Artistic Aura has reserved a room just for them to explore the world of art and develop their own creative endeavors.

Enjoy your visit!

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