M Rohan Canagasabey's Homepage

The Contents of this homepage are essentially my influential life experiences, interests, and professional experience - with selected - web sites on Photojournalism including as well as my recent published photo-articles as well as links to The Wool/Textile Industry, which was part of my graduate studies, and my CV/Resume.

Please enter here to see My Personal Profile , which is essentially encompasses my past social and professional experiences, leading to two separate stints as a photojournalist and my interests.

Enter here to see my My Published Photo-Articles in 2003 and 2004

If you have seen my personal profile, you would not be surprised by the provision of professionally selected WWW sources on the varied aspects of photojournalism here at Photojournalism in View

Enter here to see my Internet resources on the The Wool/Textile Industry

World-wide sites Selected during my Graduate studies from 1994 to 1998

ScotBorders Woollens which was designed by myself, as part of my Graduate final year honours project in 1998.

Please pass through here to view My Curriculum Vitae/Resume.

Please feel free to send me your comments.

rcanagasabey@yahoo.com or one_rohan@hotmail.com