You only have to browse through any bookstore or library to see that you'd never in your wildest dreams consider reading most books. Too many titles, most don't look very interesting, and life's too short. But there are some real gems out there, too...books too good to miss out on. I'll try to steer you to some gems I've discovered and hope that you'll return the favor.
I write a regular book review column in a college newsletter for retirees which I also edit, the GCCCD Grapevine. These reviews will constitute a major part of this homepage. The reviews are mostly novels but include some exceptional non-fiction.
My reviews won't replicate the typical newspaper or literary magazine bookreviews. No deep analysis, just a brief description and my personal rating.
Most reviews will be modern American fiction, usually books by authors who've published in the last several years, mostly books by authors who've won literary awards and get good reviews. Sometimes I'll include an older but classic novel.
One book I'd first recommend to all readers is Writing for Your Life (Pushcart,1992)edited by Sybil Steinberg and available in paperback at most bookstores. It contains interviews with 92 contemporary authors which have appeared in Publishers Weekly during the last several years. These three to four page interviews tell you a great deal about those writers and some of their books. You'll find out quickly which writers appeal to you and what books to look for. It's a gold mine, an excellent reference and inexpensive.
You can find a complete listing of all of the books in my home library at
Read the best books first, or you may not have chance to read them at all.Henry David Thoreau .
(When you read the actual review, my Rating Scale: ***** is best, * is worst)
An Interview with Tony Hillerman, illustrated, in October, 2002.
An Interview with Michael McGarrity, illustrated, in October, 2003
I'll be adding more reviews regularly, along with material related to favorite books, authors, poetry, poets, and (of course) some of my own writing.
Following are a few of my more recent poems and short stories.
Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful
feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquillity.
William Wordsworth .
The following two poems were published in the 1998 edition of the annual literary journal, Acorn Review.
The Meadow
Earths fine frail hair,
Color of leaf and life,
Parted by the past.
Soft blades of grass
Sharing silent space
With flower and weed.
Where transient tracks of boot and bear
So quickly fade,
And straightened stalks await
Some other press.
Perhaps two lovers
What sweet scent!
Those bent and broken shafts.
Postcard From an Orchard
Another nameless highway.
Somewhere in Virginia,
Days away from you.
Apple orchards everywhere.
Trees full of rubies,
The air like cool cider.
Sign leaning up ahead,
Handpainted, small and faded.
Pick your own and SAVE.
Asphalts hurried humming
Yields to gravels quiet crunch.
Branches fill my sky.
I test the wooden ladder,
Climb toward those outstretched arms,
Wishing they were yours.
Offering me so many
Of Eve's forbidden fruit.
I choose just one.
Polished soft against my sleeve,
I press it to my lips,
Saving it.
If you were here,
Id toss, youd catch.
I let the apple fall.
All these lovely apples.
I cant eat them
By myself.
Other Poems:
Short Stories:
Writing is making sense of life. You work your
whole life and perhaps you've
made sense of one small area. - Nadine Gordimer .
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Links to other sites on the Web
Inkspot-Resources for Writers
of reviews, purchase
Barnes and Noble-lots
of reviews, purchase
Bartleby site-full text of many classic
novels and poems.
Borders-lots of reviews, purchase
Book Lovers-Outstanding site, many links,
features, etc.
Books and
Reading-first chapters from recent reviews
Poetry Society of America-good resources, links
Academy of American Poets-resources, links
Writers Write-resources and links
Writelinks-links and features for writers
Great Writers-Nobel, Pulitzer, other
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� 1997 tscanlan@msn.com
Updated April 29, 2008
New Book reviews to be added soon.
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