Tom's Page of Literature and Poetry

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You only have to browse through any bookstore or library to see that you'd never in your wildest dreams consider reading most books. Too many titles, most don't look very interesting, and life's too short. But there are some real gems out there, too...books too good to miss out on. I'll try to steer you to some gems I've discovered and hope that you'll return the favor.

I write a regular book review column in a college newsletter for retirees which I also edit, the GCCCD Grapevine. These reviews will constitute a major part of this homepage. The reviews are mostly novels but include some exceptional non-fiction.

My reviews won't replicate the typical newspaper or literary magazine bookreviews. No deep analysis, just a brief description and my personal rating.

Most reviews will be modern American fiction, usually books by authors who've published in the last several years, mostly books by authors who've won literary awards and get good reviews. Sometimes I'll include an older but classic novel.

One book I'd first recommend to all readers is Writing for Your Life (Pushcart,1992)edited by Sybil Steinberg and available in paperback at most bookstores. It contains interviews with 92 contemporary authors which have appeared in Publishers Weekly during the last several years. These three to four page interviews tell you a great deal about those writers and some of their books. You'll find out quickly which writers appeal to you and what books to look for. It's a gold mine, an excellent reference and inexpensive.

You can find a complete listing of all of the books in my home library at