sculptural-poetic convergence
Countdown to the
date of my choice!
Dreams die hard
like the rich
but the politicians still smile there innocent
and the poor still starve
and Phil Oches is still dead
sometimes I want to quit this
these people, places, things, events, times, days, weeks, months, years, lives, dreams, goals, desires,and ideals
This pseudo-MTV designer Americana WORLD
(the nationalist)
and sporting hero's necktie make my way beyond the crowds
but mommy's not here to stop the fight
and the games not over
and we are all thier
AAAHHH, sit back down
As human beings and creatures of thought, not to mention most of us being citizens of a "free" state, our right to refuse is sacred.
Lack of participation is not the voice of apathy..........It's not a voice at all. Refuse to authorize your opressors, refuse to stand up and be counted, refuse to eat jello with fruit in it,
A message from the committe of creative non action
It's not just a job....it's not a job
There are to many demons left in the world. Most of them of human origin--and not enough Christs to go around. Siddartha ate his rancid pork and escaped to his nirvana and left the hungry masses to thier begging rounds. --WHAT COMES NEXT? --The game is a foot,
playing is the only recourse, refusal breaking the rules, and the rules made of rubber.
THERE IS STILL ROOM- but not for the idealists and thier stagnant 19th century corpses of ideas.
The world is born every second, and it's all happened before. The past is our teacher but the model is dead.
She won't work for Life Drawing 101.
This is all preliminary.....change sudden and constant. The page I mean
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