Guarding Eagles Associates

Who are we?

We are small association of artists. Our group began in the Spring of 1995. Our desire is to encourage, guide and support our local Ojibwe youth in the development of their artistic and cultural gifts. We sponsor events at which they can produce and sell their work. We generate project plans, apply for and administrate grants which we hope will broaden our Youth's experience.

Our present mailing address and contact numbers are:

P.O. Box 40

Blind River, ONTARIO

P0R 1B0


Toll Free 1-866-496-3604

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Our Logo:


The Eagle- is the noblest of creatures. It soars to the heights and knows the tiniest of hiding places.

Image of Sunrise and Sunset- from the rising of the sun to the setting of the sun, the two Eagles guard all Creation.

Present in every direction- The feathers signify the directions of East, South, West and North. The position of the Eagle heads in relation to each other imply their guarding presence above and below.

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