Welcome, one and all, to what we've done.  This is the sweat and blood and damnation of a year's worth of creative vomiting, and we hope you enjoy reading it more than we enjoyed writing it.  This is our realm.  Feel free to stroll about and look around.  Just don't break anything.  We're watching you.
What the critics have said about Psychobabble:  The Book

"...it's great to set your coffee cup on to keep from leaving those unsightly rings on the table..."

C.T.Rex, Opinions of Billings
"Those guys suck shit.  It'll never last as long as our masterpiece of modern comedic literature:  Mind the Machine."
Commander X of the now-defunct Mind the Machine
"...great bathroom reading.  Wish they'd used softer paper, though.  It's insightful and invigorating and all that happy bullshit.  Chock full of fiber, too.  Too many words though.  And why weren't there any chicks in spandex?  Not enough tits and ass.  If these guys want to make it anywhere, the need fewer words and more pictures of nubile, melon-breasted, leather-clad, whip-wielding, spread-legged good ole American female fleshpots..."
G.B., Skyview Talon
"This is the biggest waste of trees since the last conflagration I witnessed in 1988.  If I were to roll up wads of 20 lbs. paper and tape them into little balls for the sole purpose of shooting hoops into the toilet at home, that would be a better use of paper than this book (article).  I feel that this article needs to indulge more into the Firefighter's perspective.  Like fuel, heat, oxygen, mouth-to-mouth, life, BLEVE, and death.
Fire Lord, The Freeman Post
"...it's literate garbage..."
Carl Kurokawa CWC, The Montana Culinarian
Psychobabble:  The Web Page
Gustavo Javier Belotta
Simeon Clements Johnson
A Too Much Free Time production

Important Book Info (a.k.a. The Fine Print) Deadication Page
Preface Farward
Psychobabble #1:  How it all began Psychobabble #2:  The sequel from hell
Psychobabble #3:  A Literary Ball Psychobabble #4:  Let the Battle Begin
Psychobabble #5: Broken giraffes? Psychobabble #6:  Political Blonde
Psychobabble Magnum Opus:  7th Movement Psychobabble #8:  Dear Psychobabble
Psychobabble #9: Selling out for fun and profit Intermission
Psychobabble #10:  Sexy Brunette Psychobabble #11:  Psychobabble Unplugged
Psychobabble #12:  Blind Man's Bluff Psychobabble #13:  Truth, Justice, etc.
Psychobabble #14:  Tabloid Glory Psychobabble #15:  Your Uvula and You
Psychobabble #16:  Beastiality Made Easy Psychobabble #17:  Good Taste
Psychobabble Special #1:  Not for the Weak! Psychobabble Special #2:  Kinder and Gentler
Backwards About the Authors
A Word From One of Our Sponsors Psychobabble Art
Contributors New Stuff

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Webpage Created and Maintained (sporadically) by Gustavo Belotta

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