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Contemporary realist painter, Bruce Burkholder-Hays, Ks. has received numerous cash and purchase awards through juried state, regional, national and World Wide Web competitions. Summer 2003 special guest artist on the Italian website, Summer 2003 "World Web Award of Excellence", from, World Wide Arts Resources, Columbus, Ohio selected as a Summer 2002 premiere portfolio artist and featured artist, February-2000 Digital Color Artist of the Month for Digital Consciousness-California. The Kansas Artists' Postcard series, a project of the Community Art Agencies of Kansas has featured his work several times and it has been published by the Kansas Department of Commerce in "The Best of Kansas Arts Catalog". His work appears in public and private collections throughout the United States and has received international recognition with Art Communications International's curated art on CD rom's one, two, and three, 1996, Chicago, Ill. Also international recognition has been earned with his biography listed in Barons Who's Who in Interior Design 1992-1993 International Edition, Laguna Beach, Ca.