where beads are wearable art

Close-up of bead work on evening bag
Thank you for visiting the Wear Beads Gallery. I am in the process of installing more photos of wearable bead art I have created for myself and others. Each piece is unique and some have interesting stories connected with them. (Some of the pieces currently contained in my web page were photographed on a gray, rainy day in Seattle. I will be re-photographing the photos that are a bit too dark as soon as the sun reappears -- we may be waiting for awhile!!) Please feel free to e-mail me with comments or questions.

view evening bag

view kathleen's treasure necklace

view serendipitous twist necklace

view goddess bag

view fibula pin

view 3-strand bracelets

just added! view leta rose's treasure necklace

To be added soon: Mardi Gras Hat and Heart Pendant


© 1997 circlek@aa.net

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