Welcome to the
Bohemian Bags Clubhouse

So, you may ask: "Just who are these Bohemian Bagladies anyway?" Such a good question. I will start by saying that, although the Bagladies are from different parts of the United states, different ages, sizes, shapes and have varied interests and hobbies, their one common interest is in cloth dolls. Some of the bagladies design their own patterns, others use commercial patterns that they may alter, and others use the patterns as they come. Here is the list of those that call themselves the "Bohemian Bagladies:"

Bohemian Bagladies

  • Beverly (Sunshine) from Westville, Florida
    --Email: ralphina@unforgettable.com
    URL Address: http://4cdm.com/dbb/(Bag'O Sunshine and Designs by Bev)

  • Cathie (DustBunny) from Placentia, California
    --Email: DDustBunny@aol.com
    URL Address: http://members.aol.com/DDustBunny/CJsSecret.html (CJ's Secret Garden)
    URL Address: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/9657

  • Claire (GoodWitch) from Pinole, California
    --Email: GoodWich@ix.netcom.com
    URL Address: http://www.geocities.com/~goodwich (Wichelmann Family Page)

  • Darlene (Rainbow) from Portland, Oregon
    --Email: DarleneV@aol.com
    URL Address: http://geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/9674 (Rainbow Cottage)
    URL Address: http://members.aol.com/DarleneV/index.html (Dolly's Dressmaker)

  • Debby (ConfusedDolly) from Duncan, Oklahoma
    --Email: confused@texhoma.net
    URL Address: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/9668(The House of Cloth Creations)
    URL Address: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/9655

  • Joyce (Freezer Paper Queen) from Richmond, Virginia
    --Email: jhartley@jefferson.schev.edu
    URL Address: http://myritech.com/hartley (Hartley's Handdyeds)
    URL Address: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/9673 (Joyce's Jewels)

  • Loida (Mouse) from Bayonne, New Jersey
    --Email: yoyi97@aol.com
    URL Address: http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Meadows/2307 (The Mouse House)

  • Lori (Capri) from Matawan, New Jersey
    --Email: materilgrl@aol.com
    URL Address: http://members.aol.com/Avs01/CapriCrafts.html(Capri's Crafts)
    URL Address: http://members.aol.com/Materilgrl/FabricForum.html(Fabric Forum)

  • Susan (Nickless) from Montross, Virginia

  • Suzanne (GorillaGal) from Novi, Michigan
    --Email: kwester@pub1.tln.lib.mi.us and GorillaGal@webtv.net
    URL Address: http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/9662 (The Enchanted Loom)

Here is a wonderful example of some of GG's beading work.
Isn't the Vogue Lady beautiful?

Now you know why all of the Bohemian Bagladies
are so beautiful.

Pin dolls

Baglady birthdays

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