The Palantir

The Palantir
Perspectives from the other side
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(aka-pardon my stellar dust)
Quantum Imaginations Required

The Palantir

What is it about the human spirit that keeps us gazing at the stars or wondering about tomorrow? Why does it seem that every human is predestined to believe that he is different, that he can make a mark upon the world? The ability to imagine. To conceive of things as they could be. Whether you believe that when death has come the total end of your existence has occurred, or you believe in a power greater than yourself (as I do), you still imagine today what the world will be like without you tomorrow. It is that thought of imagination that will continue for infinity. That stream of thoughts created by bio-electrical reactions within the mind creates an electromagnetic wave that emanates from it's center for all eternity, waiting only for something to receive and understand it. Known physics - your thoughts go on forever. Whether you believe you are finite or you will pass into another world, your thoughts are eternal. The universe is a place beyond comprehension. Only one billionth of one spec of it do we pretend to understand. Yet we, as humans,proclaim ourselves above all others and deny the fact that we don't truly understand ourselves. We set forth the laws and the norms and say the universe is so. Who are we to stare into the glass of The Palantir and claim to understand what we see? The Palantir reflects what we imagine we see in it to be. I can imagine a universe beyond comprehension I can imagine a power greater than me I can imagine thoughts in universal expansion I can imagine what tomorrow might be I can imagine that yesterday was an illusion I can imagine what The Palantir sees Stare into The Palantir What is it that you see Stare into The Palantir What is there that you believe If my thoughts are here And your thoughts are there Imagine, thoughts in the air

Come with me to worlds that could-might-may never be. Explore the possibilities from the other side of conscious thought. Read my perspectives on current events. My thoughts to your thoughts. May the Palantir leave them undistorted. May I see you as you see me.

S.S.Powell 04/06/97

Welcome to The Palantir

Author's E-Mail

Fact:	I am 53 years old
	Brain waves travel at 559,240,000 miles per hour
	Fragments of my first conscious thoughts have traveled over 239,948,198,000,000 miles
	Well Past the star Alpa Centauri      
	And More than half of the way to the Star Aldebaran in the Constellation Taurus       


	(Imagine the thoughts that could be coming back!)

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Original Palantir GIF from the Art  Gallery of Rob Miller
This Palantir greatly edited by the Author
Many Thanks, Rob -- Lots of great pics

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WILL BE GIVEN -> in time

S.S. Powell - Jan 2009

Note: Only this page is kept up to date

Note: I'm a Grandfather now and a Certified Scuba Diver

Note: And life keeps getting better and better

